By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 22:52 - United States
Top comments
rub that shit in her face and tell her that next time she wants to go on a cruise that you wont pay for it.
Report her to tsa as a terrorist before she leaves
Haha! But wouldn't having your mother arrested get you into more trouble?
Ooh, that's rough!
what a bitch!!!
You should cut holes in her favorite
Heh heh heh, doesn't she mean SHELLfish?
yeah... get out as soon as you can
More like bitch
Cancel her trip! =)
i agree cancel her trip, give her the dress, and buy yourself a really freakin nice dress. you would even save money. that will teach her
That bitch.
i hate your mom
I second #3. When she asks why tell her it's because you're a selfish greedy bitch.
Definitely cancel her trip. What a bitch.

Cancel her trip! =)
Yeah I agree with #3, you better cancel that trip. that will show her who's a greedy selfish bitch. And while she is wondering why the flight was cancled. say its cause you were a greedy selfish bitch. And then put on the red dress and leave. =] bwahah.