By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my mom had one too many and announced to all of my friends that, if she had the opportunity, she would bang Gwen Stefani. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste


I'm stone cold sober and I would nail Gwen Stefani.

Can't honestly say I disagree with the woman.

Have to say, I don't think I'd bang her, but I would have sex with her.

I would bang her too, Gwen Stefani is ******* sexy.

Tori_xoxo 0

Rawr. Gwen is kinda hawt. ;D

Bostonbro15 1

I'm sorry, but are you ******* retarded. So when a guy is courteous, gentlemanly, and selfless, that's called sexism?

pff. when my mom is drunk she tells our furniture she love them more then me. wanting to bang Gwen Stefani is nothing :D

This is the mother I aspire to be. This is just before I become a cougar.