By kris - 22/08/2011 16:06 - United States

Today, my mom let it slip that she was divorcing my dad. After making me promise to keep it from him and my little sisters, she had me help her with her plans to renovate the house. She intends to kick him out once it's done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 809
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ikickgingers 15

No offensive to you but your mom is a ***** and a user. Your fml states so perfectly. YDI what kind of mother plays her child against their own father. And what kind of child would let that slide ?

I completely agree, I'm surprised any daughter would actually help with something like that. It's hard to be caught in the middle but that is rediculous

sublime420 11

Hopefully she ends up out on her ass with nowhere to go and no alimony.

oops_im_fucked 8

That'd be a great sight. cheating ****** deserve no better than that.

I totally get why everyone is like 'she is a bitch' but sometimes things go on which you dont know about between them. For instance your dad could have hit your mum or had an affair ect. Or your mum could just be a bitch.

ikickgingers 15

Yeah I get that but why keep him around for renovations though if he's that much of a dbag? She sounds like my mom. Egad.

Yeah, it would have made more sense to get rid of him straight away, quick but painful rather than a slow dragged out process. So your parents are a*holes too? Mine are unbelievably homophobic, but it's just many my dad -_-

ikickgingers 15

Agreed. My dads cool as shit mom is a gold digger... such is life.

Daelda 6

If he is hitting her...why is she staying around for more beatings to "get the house makeover", instead of getting herself and the children out of harms way? Also, if he is violent, all she is doing is giving him reason for additional violence - so I discount any physical violence in this marriage. If he is cheating, but is hiding that she knows so that she can get the house "makeover" done, then she is obviously continuing to have sex with him to keep him from becoming suspicious - and thus she is exposing herself to potentially life-threatening STDs (such as AIDS, HPV and Hepatitis). If she is doing this, she is a complete idiot...which she doesn't appear to be - thus I discount this possibility as well. Finally, none of these things are mentioned by the FML submitter - thus, I can only conclude that these two extreme things are not factors in the divorce and the woman is doing this purely out of greed. It is also possible that the *woman* is having an affair, which would be why she wants the divorce - and wants the house for her and her new lover. Kris - if you do not tell your father about this, you are betraying him just as much as your mother is. Your mother should *never* have put you in this position - but once she did, you should have the good morals to let him know what is happening. Would you want someone to do this to you?

thepandawh0re 2

what a **** pandas need to go kick her ass

Chrispayne 4

Make sure u get the upgrades to ur room u want

Just remember if you do tell one you'll likely have to deal with living with her after the divorce. You might want to stay on her good side.

SpookyInk 5

Smart. Use him for hard work then dump him to the curb. Might as well if she's planning a divorce.

SorrowFull 8

That is evil. Use and throw away huh?