By theassman - 11/03/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, my mom walked in on me masturbating. I minimized the porn on my laptop so she wouldn't see I was watching it. It turns out I was watching an old Beatles concert before I started masturbating. My mom thought I was masturbating to the Beatles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 150
You deserved it 80 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never realized there were so many people in the world without access to rooms with locks as when I started coming to fmylife

jESuS_lOVeS_mE69 0

So is it safe to assume i'm the only one who masterbates to old Beatles concerts?


Lucyinthesky67 0

I'd ********** to Ringo. And George. And John. And Paul. And Stuart. Maybe even Pete. They were all sexy in their day. I looooove the Beatles. Better than any **** online. Just pull out the Two Virgins album and cover up that stupid bitch John married, Yoko Oh No! God I hate her...

chuckcloseisgod 0

LMAO, this one really made me die laughing/giggling. I am a huge Beatles fan, so while I'm not really attracted to them in that way, I can completely understand why anybody would want to ********** to them. Hehe. (Not that I'm insinuating that you would.. I'm just saying, in general..) Even if you had been, you certainly wouldn't have been alone! (I'm sure there have been plenty of guys throughout the past few decades who have done it as well). Even if you don't jerk off to them, how can you not love them for being so charismatic, talented and intelligent back in the day?

Beatlesndoherty 0

I would totally ********** to John! John was always a deeply beautiful man, and his death was tragic for any Beatles or Lennon fan, and anyone wanting peace. But if you see something wrong in masturbating to the Beatles, LOCK. YOUR. DOOR.

Lady_Zydrate 1

You are my new best friend. Lennon lives!

I literally Laughed Out Loud at the Richard Simmons bit.

Man those guys are hot, I'm flunking the year because I spend too much time in class thinking about what it would be like doing Paul or John.

That sounds familiar. This is the best FML ever. The Beatles should have made a sex tape, now that would've been hot.

mayor_west 8

You......are now my best friend.

do you people not have locks on your doors

Sparkiee93 3

That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

This is freggin hilarious... I laughed so hard. why parents can't knock though, I will never understand.

derrek730 2

u scarred John paul ringo and George. thanks