By Brandon - 10/08/2010 23:19 - United States

Today, my mom was taking an online IQ test. To the question "On which continent is Canada located?" she responded "Antarctica." If intelligence is genetic, I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 515
You deserved it 3 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who doesn't know where Canada is wtf, Canadas the best!

Knowledge isn't intelligence at all. Your mom can be very smart but just bad at geography.


rety1 13

I don't think intelligence is genetic because my mom I a total barnacle head *lol and I'm pretty smart. I have to tell her all the time how to do basic math.. such as how to add 2, 3 digit numbers or how many liters are in a gallon etc etc...

RedPillSucks 31

Actually, your mom is brilliant. In about 2 billion years, Canada will, indeed, be part of Antarctica. Shame on you for doubting your mom.

CuteCurlzzz 0

its funny how you all make fun of Canada, but you forget who beat you in the olympics in hockey. + gold medals so we all know you didn't watch the olympics, more like at home eating mcdonalds.

Intelligence is inherited. Boy's get it from their Moms and Girls get it from both mom and dad. Environment, schools, and parental involvement must all be taken into consideration. (It is a proven fact that toddlers who watch more than 4 hours of TV a week will not be as smart when they are older..) I've watched a woman lose a lot of money because she could not answer the following question: "What two countries border the USA?" I could tell you that when I was 6 and I'm not even American.. thanks Mom and Dad..

It's a well known fact that Americans in general are clueless when it comes to world -and U.S. geography. Once an American asked me if London's capitol was England. -It was my own cousin! FML! :)-

VeggieHead_SxE 0

How is that a well known fact? :b And that just means that your cousin isn't very smart when it comes to geography, so it would be more of a Fhl instead of Fml.

rwctkd95 0

lol wow how do she put on her clothes in the morning?