By Brandon - 10/08/2010 23:19 - United States

Today, my mom was taking an online IQ test. To the question "On which continent is Canada located?" she responded "Antarctica." If intelligence is genetic, I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 515
You deserved it 3 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who doesn't know where Canada is wtf, Canadas the best!

Knowledge isn't intelligence at all. Your mom can be very smart but just bad at geography.


missxmurder1221 0

No offense but your mom is a real dumbass. I feel bad for you OP.

drcnes 4

OMG I thought if my mom and immediatly started laughing!

#179 - nah, they changed its name to 'canola' so it wouldn't freak people out. ;D

I feel sorry for all the people who read this FML and not understand why it's so funny. :)

I love going to the states and telling all the Americans I live in a igloo, and we can't drive so we use dog sleds. Most people believe it.

What? Oh, yeah, I live in an igloo. Tim Hortons is next door...crap, hold on. My pet beaver needs to be fed.

hahahah if you're smart enough to know where we canadians are located then your pretty smart move to Canada where most of the geniuses are so you're not surrounded by retards

yeah... most americans think we aslso live in igloos and have pinguins as pets

Americans think buzz lightyear is the first man on the moon

theonlysweetpea 10

WOW... I can't help but to laugh. I hope you stay in school a loooong time! Just to be on the safe side.