By NinjaWafflesx - 15/12/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, my mother hacked my Facebook and broke up with my boyfriend and pretended to be me. She told him if he ever talks to me again, she'll call the cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 756
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

She was no right invading into your love life.

lizzypooh36 18

I'm gonna assume she wasn't too fond of the boyfriend. im sorry, that sucks. something my mom would do though.


He must be a loser junky for someone to go to those extremes.

Babbalooey 0

Explain what happened to your boyfriend and change your password. Make sure it's not an easy one to guess.

Hack into her bank account and buy him a ps3 and one for yourself while you are at it.

If they're gonna do something that drastic, they might as well make it worth their while and get an Xbox 360 instead. :D

I suppose, I prefer pc, but I'm sure her mother would go ape shit if she bought 2 high end gaming pc's.

In all honesty Although this sucks, if this girl is like 14 or 15 there isn't shit she can say or do about it Yes it "her" Facebook, but at that age your parent should have your password and be able to view your page if they're concerned But if all the mom was doing was getting rid of the boyfriend God only knows who he is

Ever heard of: 1) Puntiation 2) Spelling 3) Grammar I doubt someone would take the advice from someone who produces a semi-literate post.

desireev 17

FYI people. She never even once said that she left her Facebook open or anything of that sort. And if her mother got her password WITHOUT her permission or knowledge of it, then it is indeed "hacking". So stop assuming shit and accusing her of misusing the word "hacked". She did a fine job of presenting her FML. Btw OP... FLY for sure! I'd have to strangle my mother of she ever did that to me. Although you should take your mommas' opinion in to consideration. It may help you in the end!

Joeyhood 0

@ 47 Obviously there's a reason why her Mother doesn't want them to contact each other. If by chance it's a serious reason why the Mother doesn't want them together, then she's probably keeping tab's on her, and would find out if she went to his house Also, the reason I suggested not to call him if by chance she does have a cell phone on her Mother's plan, is because when I had a phone on my moms plan, she used to check my call and text log to make sure I wasn't talking to certain people.

rebelfarmer19 0

I know how bad that sucks. my ex fiance's mom broke us up cus she thought I was the worst person/influence on her daughter. I guess thats what I get for dating the daughter of a pyschopath