By daughterinlaw - 18/12/2012 17:09 - United States - La Plata

Today, my mother-in-law, who apparently made a copy of our house key without permission, walked in on my husband and me doing the deed. She went crazy, yelling at me for "defiling" her son. Last week, she yelled at me for not having given her grand-children yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 531
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HighlandShadows 48

I think your mother-in-law is old enough for "the talk"... it's time for you and your husband to sit her down and tell her that grandbabies don't really come from the stork.

Thank you for that, that is something that bothers the ever living hell out of me too. I do want to get married, I DO NOT want children. At all. Ever. They're something I want in my life as nieces and nephews, something I can leave after a few hours.

spookykat 5

Umm... Your "married" to the guy, what's her problem and also she's trespassing.

What a nut. Sounds like my ex MIL. She had her thumb on her son until the day the divorce was final and then some. I don't even understand confronting someone and causing coitus interruptus. Unless it's someone WAY too young to be having sex I would be extremely embarrassed, excuse my myself with all due haste, and try to forget what I'd seen. This is why doors should be knocked on before entering.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Change the locks immediately. Then sit her down and have a conversation about boundaries.

Change the locks, to keep your husband's beloved smother out.

bugmenotmofo 34

Change locks. If that doesn't work, install biometric locks or pin locks and keep changing pin code. Or contact the police and demand restraining order (stalking and trespassing).

Shadow_Phantom 26

Lemme guess... she's overly religious, too? FYL hard.