By omfgfmlife - 05/07/2011 14:32 - United States

Today, my mother insisted I thoroughly water all the plants in and around my house before some people turned up. This would be fine except 90% of them are fake. She is convinced it will make them look "realer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 317
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxsarahfxx 6

Always listen to your mother ! :)

Just be lucky you didn't pick up her genetics, hopefully.


iAmScrubs 19

I actually run a business out of my home dedicated to fake plants. It is called "Mustaches for Flowers". The point of the business is that we sell mustaches that are supposed to go on flowers to attempt to make them look realer.

Damn it! I bought from that place but I thought they were regular mustache. Damn it! Now how am I suppose to get my facial hair? Well atleast I could put it on my pet cactus. 8)

iAmScrubs 19

That could have been the best comeback ever, Sassy.

Does she also believe talking to your plants will make them grow?

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Supposedly stroking plants make them grow. Who knows?

140- Plants arnt the only thing that works on ;)

I hope those plants will bloom thru spring

sailorzoe 14
evilsea666 0

you're a stupid fat ****. ain't nothin worse than not-Texas

omfgfmlife 0

ouch! we arent all idiots.. just my mother

hahahahaahahaa aoo funny!! btw zoe ur tats r sick!!!

In Texas, Arkansans are considered idiots...

HeroOfTime13 0

oh man, your moms a riot. just do it, itll make her happy.

CateXOX 0

Are the people coming her imaginary friends?