By rahrahcakes - 19/03/2012 07:36 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my mum cleaned my room. When I got home she yelled at me for having condoms. I'm 24 years old and in a long term relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 785
You deserved it 12 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MatheusRajuidas 5

She probably will always see you as her little innocent daughter...

erikabt820 2

Clean your own room, your mum won't have to do it for you!


Sounds like your mom was snooping instead of just cleaning.

pittpsu75 0

Don't you know anything? No sex before marriage! Your mom didn't want any babies running around the house.

While I agree with the waiting, pretty sure the condoms were for keeping babies from happening.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Unless the guy decides to poke a hole in the condom? Yeah wouldn't chance it.

Llama_Face89 33

I don't think there's a man alive who would poke a hole in a condom...

Except for John Stamos' character in that one episode of Law & Order SVU!

It said that she found condoms. Condoms are for preventing babies!

If you don't want to be treated like a baby, maybe you should grow up. Take care of yourself and not have your mommy take care of you.

She never said anywhere that she wanted to be taken care of like that. Normal mothers never lose that urge to look after their kids, even after they've, "grown up".

51-It's probably the way she said 'grow up' and 'mommy' in a condescending way despite the fact that she hasn't even left high school yet, and probably still lives at home. In short, she's being a hypocrite. That irritated me too.

Although I will admit OP should probably should be cleaning their own room. If you're old enough to be in a long term relationship and f*ck like a rabbit, them you probably should be taking care of yourself, even if you still live with your mom.

RedPillSucks 31

OP may not be able to clean to mommy's standard.

Who ever said to go to college? She merely said to "move out."

We dont know if OP lives with the parents. But if you mean far away from mom than yea

Why would your mom be cleaning your room? Your 24 years old... Not 9!

missamazinggg 12

Some moms randomly clean their kids room, no matter what age. It's a motherly instinct.

Whhhaat? Damn I think my mom missed out on that instinct!

missamazinggg 12

Mine did too, that's why I said some. A few people I know don't have to lift a finger because the mom is such a neat freak.

My mom-in-law cleans my home every time she babysits. She can't stand to just sit and do nothing while the baby sleeps. Even after asking several times to stop she still does it so now I try to leave a small project like the baby's laundry to do so that she stays out of my and my husband's room.

71- Try locking your door. ^_^ That seems easier.

My mom would occasionally come into my room and clear it out when I was a teenager. Very rarely, only when she thought it had gotten 'too messy', but it really pissed me off when she did. One time she confiscated my prosthetic, waited 3 days to let me stew to get nice and stressed, then proceeded to tell me how she'd found something that 'disturbed' her and that she'd thrown it away. Then followed a whole bunch of awkward conversations where she blamed me for 'dumping' all of this on her and she couldn't handle it. No, I didn't 'dump' anything on you. You invaded my privacy, threw out my possessions, drew inaccurate conclusions, and had the nerve to complain about having done so. Problem solved if you just STAY THE F*CK OUT OF MY ROOM.

Except you were underage and living under your parents roof. Fact is you can and will look through your children's things if you feel like they're hiding things from you. That I can guarantee (deny it all day long now, you will whether you know it now or not). If you're underage in your parents' home you only have the privilege of privacy, not the right.

It wasn't so much the violation of my privacy that pissed me off, as the fact that she had the nerve to COMPLAIN about it. Yeah, totally sorry that my personal possessions 'disturbed' you, but if you're going to go snooping around somewhere you shouldn't be, then you don't have the right to get upset about what you find. For the record, I never smoked, drank, did drugs, or had sex when I was a teenager. The things she found were not illegal or immoral in any way. My mom and I had a great relationship, she never worried about me hiding things like that, and half of those things she wouldn't have even cared about anyways. So it's not like she was snooping 'for my own good', she was just snooping, and then acted as if I'd delivered her some unforgivable emotional trauma that was going to take months/years to recover from just for the heck of it, when all I did was go camping and expect her to respect the mere 60 square feet I have to myself, the one place that I *thought* I was safe. Big mistake that was. I'm sorry, but I really do not think that expecting a bit of privacy in 1/10th of the house is being all that unreasonable. She would flip if I went into her room and started rooting through her things, but it's OK for her to do it to me? No. Sorry, but no. Definitely not if she's going to act as if I forced her at gunpoint to take those things from my room and toss them in the garbage. That is crossing the line. You want to be a snoop? Fine, be a snoop. But at least OWN UP TO IT. Do NOT blame it on me. YOU decided to go into my room. YOU decided to look through my things, take away my possessions, and throw them away in the garbage. You do NOT have the right to act as if I have done something to YOU, when YOU are the one who acted, YOU are the one who violated MY privacy, MY trust, and discarded MY possessions like they were nothing. You do NOT have the right to complain about doing something that YOU CHOSE TO DO. And that, right there, is why I moved out at 17 and haven't looked back since.

RedPillSucks 31

It's her (and her spouse) house. privacy is a privilege, not a right. While I agree that kids should be given some level of privacy, a parent reserves the right to break that if they feel the need. If you want real privacy, get your own place.

'If they feel the need'. Not 'If they feel like it'. There is a difference, and it is an important one.

137 - I moved out at 17 for the same reason... My mother culled my room of everything she could find because she thought I was worshipping Satan because I did Yoga. In the end, I replaced the material possessions, but she completely ruined our relationship.

Well yeah I don't think a parent should just snoop solely because they can. If I ever look through my child's stuff it'll only be because I feel they are hiding something from me that I should know (like drugs, sex, etc.). And yes, if a parent is going to snoop even with good reason, they have to be willing to accept they might find something they don't want to see. But they do have the right to punish you if they catch you doing wrong. You're being vague about what you were hiding so I can only guess, but if it is something your parent disapproves of and you get caught, tough luck. You have to deal with it at that point. Just cause the ref didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Raising kids is not a game of football. Again though, privacy is a privilege, not a right. Maybe in your case your mother didn't actually have a good reason, but if a parent has a good reason to think the kid is hiding something, then they have every right to take away their child's privilege of privacy.

charmanderCHAR 5

@DataWog; sounds to me like you're still a teen. You sound like a spoiled, ungrateful little bitch/bastard that took too much pride in being a child. Please, kindly, shut the **** up, and never procreate.

YahImThatGuy 0

If you're 24, you should not be living at home anyways, so you really don't have much ground to stand on in the "I'm an adult, I can do what I want" department.

caitlingeorgia 0

She lives in Australia. I know in the US it's customary to leave home for college as soon as possible, but down here we don't leave home until our schooling's completely over, because it's damn expensive. And cause schools generally don't offer dorms.

I moved out when I was 17 while in grade 12.

caitlingeorgia 0

32- yeah but just you doing that doesn't make it a custom in Australia. Just cause you did it doesn't mean everyone else does.

bingababe 16

I think it's pretty average these days to stay with your parents as long as you can. I don't see anything wrong with it. Kinda wish I'd stayed at home a lot longer than I did! My younger brother has just moved out of our mums and he's 24. He also has himself a brand new house, car and boat. I hope my kids decide not to move out young and set themselves up financially first.

bingababe 16

And what?? The suspense is killing me!!

KaelaKhaotic 5

Why would she care if you have condoms if you're 24??

I don't know!? Maybe that's the point of the FML!?

Because mums don't always want their children to grow up. Like my son won't be allowed to date until he's 35. :D

rillastyle 1

Sez the 28yo mother ... 35 lol

27 :P I've got a few more months... But it's like parents say, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Maybe you should have found a hiding place better than She'll-Never-Look-In-My-Sock-Drawer. You're just lucky she didn't find anything ELSE that you and your boyfriend use during sex.

Shhh OP's mum is reading this and now she's going to "clean" some more.