By catdog - 02/01/2013 06:07 - United States - West Sacramento

Today, my neighbor went on vacation, leaving me in charge of his cat and dog. For some reason, he calls his dog "Cat" and his cat "Dog". There are two pet food containers, one labeled "Cat" and the other labeled "Dog". I have no idea which one goes to which animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 559
You deserved it 4 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maneater8 7

Pour it out and let them choose wat to eat


Post an ad and make some money. "welcome everyone, to see cat barking and the dog meowing."

crazytwinsmom 25

Should I be worried that 11's comment did make sense to me? Admittedly, it was odd, but it did make sense.

it makes perfect sense to me and it was funny too! don't vote down just because you don 't get the obvious!

May be yo could just call them and find out?

Obey_StudBoii 23

Maybe you need to learn how to spell correctly.

If the containers are written by the neighbor himself then they're likely the pets' names.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Just pour it out onto their separate food bowl. Let them decided.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Stupid autocorrect. I meant to say "Decide"

"Maybe you need to learn how to spell correctly."

Obey_StudBoii 23

#74 Maybe you need to stop nitpicking at the little things. Get a life.

Didn't you do the same "nitpicking" to #12 for simple errors in their typing? Maybe you'll understand how it feels now.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Do you think I give a damn?? Hahaha, of course I do. I really need to get a life and drop the Internet tough girl routine; it makes me look incredibly insecure. :D

Cats need to eat meat but dogs can eat nearly anything. So feed the food that you have to the dog, buy some cat food and bill your neighbour. He's an idiot anyway.

pheebs314 17

Dogs can't really eat anything... Not without horrible diarrhea. My dog actually recently learned juuuuust that. Well, I don't think he learned anything actually, as I just took a small saw out of his mouth.

I don't know about anyone else.... But I like the names

Just remember that Jack's cat could eat no fat, his dog could eat no lean...

Take both of them to a medical experiment lab while your neighbor is gone, have them "generate" a CatDog, and return the new species to your neighbor when he returns. Problem solved!

Depending on the age of the dog (actual dog, not Dog), cats kibble is usually smaller. Or shaped like fish, or something.