By catdog - 02/01/2013 06:07 - United States - West Sacramento

Today, my neighbor went on vacation, leaving me in charge of his cat and dog. For some reason, he calls his dog "Cat" and his cat "Dog". There are two pet food containers, one labeled "Cat" and the other labeled "Dog". I have no idea which one goes to which animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 559
You deserved it 4 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maneater8 7

Pour it out and let them choose wat to eat


Their foods look and smell differently.

80skid 15

That's hilarious. I've always wanted to do that!

It's not like they can read, all they want is the food, it doesn't matter which is which

Give them both. They will choose whatever they want ;p

onorexveritas 23

just call the cat-cat, and dog-dog, just to **** with them

You should be able to tell by looking at it! Typically, dog food is larger than cat food! Also, smell it! Viola! There's your answer!

Lmao classic moron... Both of you. How can u not decipher which food is for a cat and which is for a dog? You may want to try this new invention called the Internet to verify...

If it's a small dog, it's food could be small bites like dry cat food.So yes, they can be hard to tell apart. I'm guessing they both had containers of dry food, otherwise OP wouldn't have a problem telling them apart.

missnuthin 10

usually cat food is smaller pieces. also, i think your neighbor is trolling you, hardcore.

Sonotsuave 35

its called getting him on the phone and asking him, did that occur to you? Or yeah just put both in front of them, they know what they normally eat.