By Anonymous - 24/09/2013 16:16 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my online order arrived earlier than I expected. I opened it to find some kind of anal sex toy. Whoever this is for is going to be disappointed when they get my 3DS game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 776
You deserved it 3 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raininginseattle 9

You didn't say whether YOU were disappointed or not...

DKjazz 20

Another package mix-up? What a pain in the ass.


well, they are not going to have the 3d experience they were hoping for...

foxmatrix15 8

Was the package in your name? Did you least read label?

bfsd42 20

Wouldn't it be hilarious if op's father had the same name as him.

You must have been really surprised when you opened that box

It would've been awesome if it had have been like a jack-in-a-box. Except a sex toy jumps out instead. That would have been quite the surprise!

The funnyest thing about these comments is all the butt puns :p. I hope you get your game at some point :)

We'll now someone is going to receive an used butt toy in return for a used DS. Hey maybe it's your neighbors toy, or if you want to take it to another level, one of your parents???

I would vote FYL but you deserve a little joy in your life, if you know what I mean!

How exciting! Now you get to track down who those anal beads belong to, while getting back your game. Think of it as a treasure hunt, which will likely result in you making a fascinating friend. You may even end up playing together with your new toys ;)

Main objective: Retreive Game Optional: Make a friend

And this, people, is why I always download my games.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Because you're afraid if you order games online you'll get anal sex toys in the mail instead? That's oddly specific.

No, I meant in the general sense. But I definitely recommend Amazon.

That's not how you're supposed to give someone a dick in a box. I think someone needs to watch the video again.