By Angrily Paranoid - 06/10/2013 05:29 - United States - Seattle

Today, my paranoia got so bad that I had to physically restrain myself from aggressively confronting the kid walking behind me on the sidewalk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 871
You deserved it 6 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest therapy. You might do something you'll regret if you don't get help.

Weiss729 6

I don't say this to be mean but maybe you should get help? Life might turn around and be a whole lot better if you do


perdix 29

You should step aside and let the kid pass. You never know what young people are going to do under the influence of violent video games like GTA, CoD and Candy Crush.

"I'm gonna Sugar Crush that kid if he doesn't stop following me!"

I feel really stupid after having to Google "candy crush."

You should maybe get help. I'm not trying to be mean but therapy would help you out a lot.

"Paranoia, the destroyer Paranoia, the destroyer"

perdix 29

#20, isn't it "paranoia will destroy ya," or is this another one I've been ******* up for 30 years?

Seems like-- Kinks not knowing that. Go ask the little yellow man in your head. :P

OP, don't feel bad. This happened to me at the grocery store yesterday. I felt like the guy behind me was right up on me. I almost had a panic attack. Also, **** the people talking about tin foil hats & such. The government doesn't listen to your thoughts, they just read your Facebook.

316browneyes 1

just calm down and be careful,quit thinking negative. and think positive stop letting your paranoia get to you.

"Just stop letting the cancer destroy your brain cells" "Just stop letting the pancreas fail to produce the proper amount of insulin." "Just stop letting the disease effect you" That's what you sound like. Mental illness isn't a choice, it isn't something you can just turn off.

katie_xoxo3 16

not trying to be rude but all I can think of is the disabled kid on Malcolm in the middle.edit: fml wrong fml

Today, my paranoia got so bad that I confronted the man walking behind me. I beat him up and smashed his head against the pavement. He "stood his ground" and killed me. FML