By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 016
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


iSwag 0
loki09 4

I take offense to people who say liberals are dumb. I am very liberal, and happen to be quite intelligent, I also work hard for what I have, and try to respect those around me, including conservatives that I totally disagree with. Being liberal does not make me dumb any more than you being conservative makes you dumb, it simply means we have a difference of opinion. OP, I would suggest informing your parents that all but one of our presidents were college educated. Bush, has been the only president to gain an M.B.A. Higher education does not make you liberal, anymore than it makes you conservative. It makes you smart, and shows ambition.

iagree with 311 and does any body. wanna share a lie by fox news, I know of some by other liberal news stations

Asphalthurts 0

Because it means liberals are "elitist", even though a large portion of Fox news correspondents themselves attended Ivy League schools...

You know what they say... If your young and conservative you have no heart. If your old and liberal you have no brain.

youthink_fml 0

Actually, the story is that the average liberal has a higher education, not that having a higher education makes you liberal. I think you're safe.

New York City is a "gun totting Hicksville?" I'm afraid not. Most people here are liberal, anyway. Our health care is the BEST in the world. There's a reason why people are literally rushed down to the US from Canada to get health care in serious situations. We don't have to wait for months to get care, we have an abundance of doctors... you shouldn't be complaining. The government says we should act like Cuba when we handle health care. Have you ever been to a Cuban hospital? I've seen Cuban hospitals on the Internet. They're shitholes where people are suffering and dying and there are VERY few doctors. Just because one seventh of our population doesn't have health care doesn't mean our health care is the worst in the world. You need to think before you post.

infamouskilla 0

1. OP, **** your life for having drones for parents who can't think for themselves (like most people who watch Fox News). Better start saving 10 years ago. 2. LOL at all the people on here trying to say that Fox is "fair and balanced," are you ******** me?! If you really believe that, then they've successfully brainwashed the hell out of you. Yes, they have Democrats on, for the purpose of antagonizing them (and I know MSNBC & friends do the opposite, before you start blasting me as another "stupid liberal"). If you believe that makes them a balanced network, they've done their jobs well. It's entertainment, and they're very good at what they do, but it's a piss poor excuse for true journalism.

my head is starting to hurt from reading all of this. both bush and obamma were elected because they got the most votes. each party needs to accept that and move on. OP, your life sucks.

So you think the Obama administration had nothing to do with the insane rise in unemployment over the last year, #349? That's just sad. Anyway, it's good to see someone's not just using personal attacks. Seriously, can all you fucktards make any points? "obama sux" "u suk" "**** all who hate obama" Again, can you just make a point about your political policies instead? It makes you seem stupid, uneducated, and very concerned about letting your beliefs be exposed.