By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 016
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


grungecat 0


@209 YES! the only people who think Fox News isn't balanced obviously haven't watched their programs. Also, the point that O'Riley was trying to get at was that some of the universities out there don't just teach regular classes, but they incorporate liberal doctorine into the lessons. This corrupts the education process by having bias opinions being taught. If no one can find me examples of ~how~ Fox News isn't fair or balanced and how exactally they are "extream" then clearly you have no basis for any arguement and therefore, the fact that Fox News is fair and balanced clearly stands. 

Yeah... So isn't it a bummer that Obama has spent nearly 3 trillion dollars in only one year? Wow! That's worse than Bush! Hahaha and you thought Obama was a patron saint... Ohhh how confused you are young one. =P

It's just the jewish liars in the media trying to make liberals seem intelligent.

tb15 0

it's getting anti-semetic here

@138 and everyone else that makes a remark about socialism.... =) you realy don't know what socialism actually is. "socialism" is an economic philosophy and has nothing to do education or government. It's kinda like capitalism in the sense that it only deals with the economic details of how we live. this is just general information about something that is commonly brought up.

Oh Come ON! This HAS to be fake! I loathe republicans and their ilk, but even they can't be THAT retarded!

You should kill them for the good of us all.

mountain_laurel 0

#313: WTF does anybody being Jewish have to do with anything? Even if this was being spread by so-called "Jewish liars", would it make any difference if they were black, Chinese, Catholics, or of any other background? I have no idea where you get off giving the people spreading this the title of being "Jewish" or any ethnic/religious title at all for that matter. Regardless of what your stance is on Fox News and this college-being-too-liberal debate, you are obviously too ignorant to be a part of it and should keep your comments to yourself unless you have something other than uneducated filth to spew. K, thanks.

Fox news is the biggest piece of shit known to man. stupid ignorant conservative bastards. they think you just have to pray and all is right on the world. HA

hot_tamale 0

#305 "look at how free health care worked out in other countries?" oh yea, all of the nations with the top health care in the world have socialized health care. we have one of the worst. pull your head out of your ass and maybe travel outside of your gun-toting Hicksville and you might be able to comprehend that. people that don't support health care for everyone truly disgust me