By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 016
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


After all knowledge is something frees your mind... I wonder why your parents send you to middle schools.

Obongo 0

The amount of liberal ignorance in here is not surprising. First off OP, pay for your own college you freeloading piece of trash. Second off, all of you socialist twats can enjoy your CNN liberal rag while Fox continues to be the only news network worth a shit. I view CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and Fox and not a single one but Fox has anything intelligent to listen to. They all kiss Obama's ass and suck off the minorities. How about we make everyone EQUAL instead of continually trying to outlaw Christianity and demonize whites? Doesn't surprise me the liberal base in a site that is based "**** my life". Yes, **** your life for being so ignorant, no amount of knowledge will EVER make you a worthy human being. Don't waste your time in college, you'll just be another failure.

bugmenotmofo 34

Dude, when you troll, you have to pace yourself. If you blow your load all at once like that, it leaves you with no new material for follow ups and everyone will see right through it. Start with claims of Fox News being unbiased and reliable, get a few replies, and THEN go into the "why ya all hate Jesus!?" bit, then just when it looks like it's going to blow over, THEN you go for the "white folk are disadvantaged in this country," stuff. Actually, you might switch the last two; I'm not sure which incites more rage on the internet these days. 0/10

jisaac09 25

Really??? Thats awkward... cause i was told by more than one (two) people from Great Britain and one from Canada that we dont want health care like theirs, and excuse me if im wrong, but dont both of those countries have a nationalized health care system???

even special olympics athletes know the difference between your and you're

"Sicko" <-----watch it. It's a Michael Moore film and it'll open your eyes.

Okay two things: 1. OP, FYL and your parents suck for not helping you based of a News Network. 2. All of you people who are insulting each other, please stop and listen, not just to yourself and people who share your beliefs but to people who are polar opposites. This goes for everything, religion, politics, dogs vs. cats etc. If you just get off your high horse and listen to all sides as unbiased as possible and then base your argument off THAT you will be a hell of a lot more educated, have a very good and solid reason for believing what you believe and it will be easier when you fight because you can look at it from all perspectives and therefore be able to provide better proof for your argument because you can disprove or overcome the opposition's proof. Seriously, it works and even if you're a high school drop out with no intelligence you can put up a good argument and prove your point better than a Harvard graduate who's completely biased. For those of you that have done this and do listen to all sides in an argument: good for you. You have accepted the fact that there is always a good point and an educated person from every angle and I really hope you get somewhere in life because you'll do a lot more good than a biased idiot who spends his time making up fake arguments.

austin95 0

#305 is the best guy on here. but #267 is a DUMBASS along with all these other liberals. Obama is taking the WORKING AMERICANS money and giving it to lowlife losers on welfare that don't deserve it. And when Bush was in office the congress was still liberal so he didn't have much of a say but he needs to grow some balls. Obama is a communist. The only reason he got elected is because he's black. Does that sound racist at all? Because it does to me.

all u white people are just mad cause a black man beat a white man at his own game. don't be mad if white people are now the minorities. :p I'm not black I'm white haha u

austin95 0

#319 is gay just like Obama haha. Both of you are afraid of guns (that makes you fairies). You know when guns are outlawed, the crime rate goes up? Why don't you get your head out of your ass you queer. Obama isn't even born here, he shouldn't even be president right now. He's a liar.

they're totally right. it does. well most anyway. I love fox and hate Obama