By vsf - 02/08/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, my parents wouldn't let me go to the fair because they reckon my IQ is so low, I could quite possibly choke on cotton candy and pass out confused by the hall of mirrors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 052
You deserved it 6 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mandywaffles 0

I thought cotton candy melted in your mouth...

Gamakichi 0

Well if you were able to post this, and use standard proper English; you'd probably, at the least, be allowed entry.


perdix 29

The fair isn't exactly a Mensa meeting. With things like fried butter and pig races, the fair seems like hog heaven for morons.

WoshJinchell93 11

I don't even think the majority of users on here know what Mensa is lol. A win for the intelligent people.

Your parents are badly misguided. Firstly, if you want your kid to turn out dumb, the best thing you can do is to tell them they are stupid. They will then assume that they can't do things and will stop trying (obviously I'm simplifying). Secondly, IQ is an exact measure of how well you can answer IQ tests. It has some correlation with your ability at applied mathematics but has absolutely no bearing on your ability to cross the street safely. I have met some people with startlingly high IQs in my time and many of those are hopeless in everyday situations. An absolute genius maths professor I once knew could teach relativity to 12-year-olds but couldn't balance his bank account. Finally, the single most significant factor in determining IQ is genetics - your IQ is likely to be very close to that of your parents! Your parents are making excuses. And rather poor ones.

CharlieeMurphy 0

Wow who are you bill ****** nye or something? Kid just said his parents won't let him go to the fair.. I'm sure noone wants to hear you go on about IQs....

your comment is so long that I have a hard time thumbing u down

viciousdeli 0

Shut up you ignorant bigot. I found it quite interesting, better than most weightless, moronic comments on this site. You know, like yours.

You get a thumbs up for intelligence, good job on the comment, teach these idiots something.

Nobody is forced to read a comment - if you're sufficiently illiterate that a dozen lines is too much effort then skip on. To those who made the effort - thank you.

damn it's all about genetic inheritance

wriptidez 0

lol well your grammar indicates your quite normal

You're* Had to do it for the ironic factor.

Sadly, "your" in place of "you're" is pretty normal!

YDI for being ******* stupid. TROLOLOLOLOLOL!

"reckon" that proves it lol. jk though, fyl

you know? that happens to me ALL the time. I can totally relate. your parents are so right in trying to keep you safe.

agsilver 14