By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 20:48 - United States

Today, my pet rat had babies. We've only ever owned one rat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 718
You deserved it 6 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Serafie 0

Misread the FML as "rabies" and was confused for a long time until I read the comments.


wolfpack2013 0
kirbybc12 0

First one died and parents tried to replace it without OP noticing?

Trage 0

Your rat probably came from the pet store pregnant. It's pretty common especially in crappy petstores. At five weeks you're going to want to separate the rats by gender (there are websites on how to identify gender in baby rats, it involves the distance between their genitals and anuses) so that you don't end up with huge numbers of rats. If you've got one then you already know they make good pets, but they make better pets in at least pairs. I would suggest looking for homes for the rats early even though they shouldn't be separated from their mother until the 4 1/2 or 5 weeks when they start eating solid food. It'll be easier if you have homes lined up for them then. Since rats are much happier in pairs, you should keep one of the female babies to be friends with the rat you already have! Happy rats are affectionate loving rats. There is a chance there might be a wild rat in your home (rats have been known to have sex through the bars of cages) but unless you've seen other signs or have had the rat for at least several months it's probably safe to assume it came from the store pregnant. As for those saying you deserve it for having a pet rat, it's exactly the same as an accidental litter of puppies or kittens. Even as a fan of spaying and neutering, I have never done so with any of my rats due to the dangers of losing one during the surgery. Just only keep one gender of rat in your home at a time (I prefer females for their playfulness) and preferably buy them from a breeder since they will have been handled well and separated to prevent pregnancies. Also, unless it turns out your house really does have rats, this is hardly an FML. Rats are awesome pets.

Trage 0

I have thought on this further and think perhaps you should find a home for the mommy rat as well and either not have any rats or maybe keep two of the males. That way, if you DO have rats in your house, you won't end up with babies. But be careful when you figure out their genders!

Thunderbender 2

I've never seen anyone put so much thought into rat *******.

Trage 0

I put great thought into everything I dedicate to type.

saranottelling 7

That's all fine and dandy, but what if mommy rat decides to eat her young? Do you think the OP could eat the baby rats? Would that be a good source of protein? I think so.

Trage 0

If the mom rat is going to eat her babies, she's going to do it in the first few days. They only do that when they feel the babies are in danger of if there is something wrong with them.

and this is why we don't keep rats as pets :P

hotscar 3
ajallday 0

hahahahahaa I thought this said rabies. I suppose this sucks, but really your life is not ******.

Who the hell voted this threw? The only reason this is a FML is because you're too stupid to realize you bought your rat pregnant. If you've had it for months and it got pregnant, oh well, you have rats in the house. Set a trap and go on with your life.

devendra_fml 0