By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 13:53 - United States

Today, my roommate and I were walking to a bar and a group of guys shouted out at us "Hey, it's like we're on Animal Planet, I see a zebra and a gorilla." My roommate was wearing a zebra print shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 574
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then shout back "yeah and I see a bunch of asses"

You should have asked them if they want to do it like they do on the discovery channel


MukyDaCookie 0

As racist as it is to suggest it, the OP is most likely a black woman/man. "Monkey" is a slang term for a black person because of some theory which states they were the earliest human. It is entirely possible for the guys to be yelling that out because they person is black. Don't call someone racist when they are just asking something. If he had said "That's what you get for being black you ****** bitch!" Then I would completly agree that he needs to be tortured and killed. I hate racism and ignorant fools.

Number 52: I couldn't agree more. Fair enough!

ButterFly_16 0

I quess that makes you the gorilla :(

soluminia 0

shit that sux but then again maybe you shouldnt be you forgot it wasnt halloween

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok, sorry, but that's pretty funny uncalled for and mean? yes but still funny

grazynaanka 0

Don't listen to the ones making racist comments. They are ignorant, stupid people, who only make comments like this because they can hide behind a computer. I dare them to go to Brooklyn where I live now and say that to someone. They wouldn't. Because they are immature, scared little bitches. OP:That was really mean of them to say. I would have laughed it off. Or do what #39 suggested. Lol.

lmmmr 0

Gorillas are awesome though. Far more intelligent than those guys.

what a bunch of donkeys, get it donkeys, jackasses? lmfao.

so_me_fml 0

I'm with #52. I think #22 chose his or her words poorly, but I imagine that the intoxicated jerks yelling at the OP were idiot racists.