By anonymous - 16/06/2012 13:57 - United States

Today, my sister called me and asked if my boyfriend of 3 years had proposed to me yet. And now the surprise is ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 561
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste


what_ever2007 11

Awww, lol. Ah well, what matters most is that he's proposing! :D Congrats!

That sucks… I bet all three of you feel bad now. But congrats on getting married and don't let this being you down! You can still act surprised, right?

Exactly. I bet she knew all about it and she was jealous so she decided to ruin the surprise for OP :(

I thought the very same. Had he proposed to her, she would have told her sister.

67 and 79: you have twisted families if that was the conclusion you immediately arrived at.

My family/friends ask me that all the time! I don't think the surprise is "ruined" every time someone asks though, because they're just asking, curious about the relationship and whatnot. She probably doesn't know anything.

Since she says the surprise is now ruined, I'm assuming that the sister has never asked OP this before, leading OP to believe that the boyfriend intends to propose. Heck, the boyfriend could even already have proposed for all we know. It is possible that, like you said, the sister is just curious, but this seems improbable in this situation.

Call me crazy but I feel like most couples who get engaged the woman is at least aware that marriage is the direction the relationship is headed. OP is either oblivious or overreacting, IMO.

So what? You're getting married! Be excited! :D

Some people just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. Sorry the surprise is gone but at least you're getting married, surprise or no.

shawnaishere 14

I kind of feel sorry for your sister too even though her move wasn't wise she must be feeling really guilty

Look on the bright side, now you'll be prepared (and remember to shave/wax) for that special day to arrive.

perdix 29

Shouldn't she always be shaved/waxed down there? Maybe it's her lax crotchetal hygiene that makes him hesitant to pop the question.

Perdix, just so you know, us girls skip a day or two. That doesn't turn us into /hairy monsters/. :P I'm sure, you being a guy, will know it's a pain to shave everyday. It's the weekend, did you shave? Or were you planning on doing it Monday morning (your day of returning to work)? Hmmmm

perdix 29

I know that, but your advise seemed to suggest that the OP may be stubbly or hairy often. I usually shave my face at least once on the weekend, depending on the circumstances. As far as elsewhere is concerned, ...

Whoa! o.O Are you saying you've shaved other places? This I must see. ;) And FYI waxing requires the hairs to be a certain length. So in between that time, it will need to be a tad bit longer than you'd expect an unprepared fiancée's __(N)__! (fill in the blank). ***God, I miss doing MadLibs!

This is awesome: Battle between two good FML commenters. *grabs popcorn*

perdix 29

They have a Mad Libs app. It was just as fun as I remember it -- which isn't very much ;)