By anonymous - 16/06/2012 13:57 - United States

Today, my sister called me and asked if my boyfriend of 3 years had proposed to me yet. And now the surprise is ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 566
You deserved it 3 060

Same thing different taste


dellis44 7
nelliealexis 3

If that was my sister i would have drove to her house to personally jack her in the face.

elletex 8

Apparently you either don't have a sister or you are not close with her. Her sister was probably really happy for her and did not mean to "ruin" the surprise. You should have respect for your family and not talk about jacking them in the face.

Teabubbles 8

violence is never the answer :(

she's an idiot.but Congrats anyway.

Principessa101 20

Awww :( I assume you're saying yes, right?

Well put on your acting skills, I guess! Or just tell him you're a clairvoyant. xD

Hey, maybe that could be your surprise? Just talk to your man and have him think of a different way?

#55 why would anyone ever propose in such a way. Let's be real here. Her sister just has a double digit I.Q.

Didn't your sister think of the fact that if your boyfriend had proposed to you, you would have called and told her?

Well thats your boyfriends fault! Never tell the retarded sister!

well at least he loves you enough to marry you. just be happy

mc1900 4

don't see how that means there's a surprise at all.