By Renzy - 12/12/2012 18:32

Today, my son got suspended from school. He's in kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 398
You deserved it 7 591

Same thing different taste


Dang. Did he glue stick a bitch or something?

Oh quit whining and go eat your coco pops. Stop judging people for the love of God.

You have my sympathy. It's going to be a very long road ahead until your son turns 18. Unfortunately for me I been there and done that. My son is now 27 years old and it was a very long and frustrating road.

RedPillSucks 31

One suspension doesn't make a bad kid. Writing someone off at that age is a huge mistake, and an unfortunate thing that some education systems do.

I agree! Everyone needs to lighten the hell up!

And some education systems give kids like that the help that they need.

He must have grabbed the teacher's breasts. He misses breast feeding.

That is ridiculous! Schools are more concerned with how kids present themselves and how they behave then the education they receive. I could understand if he brought a pocket knife to school or a gun (like that kindergartener who shot a little girl several years ago) but these days they suspend kids for as little as wearing a hat or carrying a backpack. I hit a girl in the chest pretty hard when I was in kindergarten and all I got was a talking to (this was in 1980 BTW). I feel bad for the OP.

Maybe he got suspended for inappropriate exposure. Maybe he started taking off his clothes in class, LOL. Sounds like something a 5 year old would do.

I also got suspended on the last three days of kindergarten. I beat some kid up because he called me fat or something. I didn't get to go the pizza party. Well, luckily I changed from then and don't beat kids up anymore. I'm still fat but.... meh.

Sounds like me when I was in kindergarten

My little brothers friend got suspended for showing off his junk to another boy in the bathroom... They were in kindergarten.....