By Anonymous - 31/07/2014 16:24 - United States - Dallas

Today, my son said his first word. Unfortunately, that word was "cock." I've tried convincing myself that he's trying to say "clock" but I just can't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 248
You deserved it 7 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#11: And the classics weren't? Beauty and the Beast: Stockholm syndrome. The Lion King: murder your brother and marry his wife. AKA: Hamlet. The Little Mermaid: mutilating your body and changing to get the man of your dreams. Aladdin: steal stuff. Sleeping Beauty: don't become a seamstress. Also, necrophilia fixes everything. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: because sleeping with seven men is sooo innocent. Alice in Wonderland: this is what being under the influence of drugs looks like, kids. And so on and so forth. Probably why I love the classic Disney films.


ulissey_fml 22

I suspect fowl play..; maybe he was egged on by his babysitter, in what case chicken forget about coming back on fry day , because this is no poultry mistake. But to teach a kid such a rude word, she'd have to be hen sane .

You win this one, feather or not I make puns. So, go cluck yourself. Or, let a chick do it, scratch it off your clucket list, ya know?

Its okay, my step-son picked up a few words from his daddy. Like **** bit he xan only pronounce it as fook

This will turn into quite the story when hes older and is curious about what his first word was.

Let's hope he is not COCKY. Now that he can talk.... Ahh ahhh anyone??? No? Okay

This will make a good girlfriend story OP.

martin8337 35

Usually their first words are dada or baba.

But since those aren't actual words, he chose ****.

daydreamer244 13

I wonder what he'll be like when he grow up.