By Anonymous - 07/01/2013 20:01 - United States - Danbury

Today, my son sprayed Axe body-spray all over the house in the vain hope of covering up the scent of the joints he'd been smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 639
You deserved it 5 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he had the decency of being stupid in his coverup attempt. Now you know what he's been doing. If he had been clever about it, you'd have been none the wiser. Now kick his ass. For the gross misuse and overuse of Axe, not for the pot.

Oh, Axe isn't "Oder Eliminating?" Who knew?


prettydummy 12

lol he shud of used the joints as air fresheners xD

sorry i hate grammar nazis but make an effort, its "should of"

TheDrifter 23

Should have. At least Nazi correctly.

laya_fml 26

I hate to be that jerk, but since someone already started it, it's*.

You're so retarded Seriously you keep on making major mistakes on your profile like "your" and "you're" and "it's" and "its" and THEN you decide and correct her, which I wouldn't mind except that you're completely wrong: should have

22: You say "grammar nazis can suck a dick" in your Bio, yet you pull this shit? Smh.

prettydummy 12

you people are so uptight about grammer you should smoke a joint like the posters son and lighten up xD

lol at you haters, cant stand a female correcting stuff huh? pigs!! and 82 its spelling not grammar, youre wrecked and im out. see ya sweety :)

84, I'll put this in terms you may understand. Your pathetic.

It has nothing to do do with a female correcting. It has to do with a moron correcting something incorrectly.

LeaAnne94 17

I love how you post this even though you hate Grammar Nazis and your profile clearly states that "its the Internet not an essay."

yoursucklives 36

22/84 just went full retard. never go full retard.

missyj0 12

it's even worse when they're ignorant to the fact that they made a mistake. Stay in school, people.

lmf5292 10

84- Guess you want to suck a dick?

laya_fml 26

I hear there is a new joint- scented axe out! He could be telling the truth.

zombieslayer83 19

Double pits to chesty and double stuffed to milk!

GingerPanda94 6

OMG!! Is your son Justin Bieber by any chance?! Then YDI wear protection in the future. FYL otherwise.

malincake 7

My opinion on all of this? Its fairly simple. Your son should learn that about 20..? minutes of having a living room-to-garden door, window or something open, refreshes your room with fresh air (Regular sized rooms, not accounting ballroom/mansion rooms); And ANY kind of spray, does NOT work at all. I wont vote for this one, but in my opinion you deserve it for not accepting your son's "Experimental phase". It took a while for my mom to even accept I smoke weed, which was good but we made a deal that she wouldn't mind as long as I did it in the backyard. Which is fair enough. Live in America? Allow him to do it as long as you're not home, its properly vented, and he doesn't do it to much. Try to regulate, and make compromises, Making him feel bad about it doesn't quite help at all, I would in trade ask him to negate all of his "stoner buddies" stories on how "herb" makes you a better man or better in any way, and to do some research about the cons of smoking. I have and after 4 years of smoking "4/20", about 5+ grams a day, I can truly say that it didn't have any benefits, but only promoted laziness, destructed a part of my brain and more. But I know a genius that has smoked for over 40 years, and in big measurements but seeing as he works on his brain, to keep it active (Studies, creative engineering etc) Its disproved that it actually only has a fully destructive power. Whatever you do, The more you forbid, The worse it will get. Its what communication is for.

TL;DR Stoney baloney #35 waffles on pot stance; cites rare genius...mmm, waffles!

awesomeman10 6

#64 i just watched that and im dying right now ahahaha

*4 hours later* Hmmmmm.... I see your point!

Sounds like his plan went up in smoke. Next time, give him the axe and kick him out.

Almighty_Chris97 6
mcBe 6

It's funny cause OP doesn't even sound all that mad about it

It's only weed. Could be much worse. I'd rather find my son smoking a joint than snorting coke or shooting up.