By Anonymous - 07/01/2013 20:01 - United States - Danbury

Today, my son sprayed Axe body-spray all over the house in the vain hope of covering up the scent of the joints he'd been smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 639
You deserved it 5 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he had the decency of being stupid in his coverup attempt. Now you know what he's been doing. If he had been clever about it, you'd have been none the wiser. Now kick his ass. For the gross misuse and overuse of Axe, not for the pot.

Oh, Axe isn't "Oder Eliminating?" Who knew?


That combination sounds gross. I wouldn't want to experience it, so FYL.

Should make him give you his stash & then smoke it all in front of him (if you live in a state where it is now legal).... Now tell him every time he brings it home you're going to smoke it all.

Satoaoi 13

lucky he's your son cause I would of beat him all up and down that house grounded for at least a year ahah

wetqueefa 5

I literally just said "You ******* idiot" out loud.

The_F3rris 11

Febreeze sucks for hiding the smell. Go to Walgreens and buy a can of Ozium.

True shit that and oust work like a charm.

All true, like anything weed isn't black and white if you let it be the focus of your life it will take over you must have balance which can be extremely difficult especially when dealing with drugs. 5+ g's a day is a hell of a lot of weed too.