By ishouldhidethekeys - 04/11/2009 08:44 - United Kingdom

Today, my son thought he'd take my new car for a drive without permission. He accelerated straight into a tree, reversed into a lamppost and then accelerated again into the neighbours car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 963
You deserved it 4 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0


Hellooo military school! Sounds like either you have a very angry young man on your hands or he has little/no respect for you and your things. Either way I would suggest immediate action on your behalf to correct this behaviour lest he start a bonfire with your clothes next... while they are still in your cupboard.


veliki 0

how old is your son, and why is he dumb as that lamp-post he hit?

Now now, we don't want to insult the lamp-post.

theblazian 0

Seriously... when was the last time you saw a lamppost crash into 3 things in a short period?

What the hell is with all this child rebellion?

My dad would allow us when we were kids to sit in his lap and steer around our neighborhood, then eventually as we got older, drive by ourselves around the neighborhood w him in the car. Why dont other people think of this? So you dont have totally clueless inexperienced tards such as the op's son.

noshitsherlock 0

who the hell hides the keys in their own house?

mushrooms_fml 0
tiffanyxapril 0

when you say "without permission" does that mean he couldve gotten permission from you? can he even drive legally? and whats up with people saying hide your keys? there shouldnt be a need to. fail parenting imo

bsias4ever 0

Grounded...for life....if he's over 5 yrs old..grounded..until hes...mhmm...18?

3 for 3. Not bad.... No, but, that does suck!