By ulisha5 - 02/08/2013 21:54 - Bulgaria - Burgas

Today, my son told his 8-year-old sister that since she swallowed an apple seed, that a tree is going to grow in her stomach and kill her. She's inconsolable and won't believe that she'll be fine, because "they say that to all the dying people on TV". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 593
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's pretty clever to not fall for your shenanigans

This girl is going places. Not college, but places.


Atleast she didn't fall for you guys being a ghost family and needing to go to the hospital for trying to run through a door.

Reading everyone elses comments I don't know what's worse, believing this as a kid or believing it but not being logical about it. As a kid I believed this from my own reasoning but instead of being terrified of exploding, I TRIED to grow plants in my stomach... Ah well, being weird isn't breaking news for me.

xninix_fml 36

You could Google it. Google makes everyone feel better.

mrsnugglefunny 10

Am I the only one thinking of the rugrats episode where they convince chucks a watermelon will grow inside of him. Angelica.. What a little shit she was huh?

Dude, that episode traumatized me for a bit when I was little and stupid. You do not understand how freaking meticulous I was when it came to eating watermelons without swallowing the seeds. Even after I realized my utter stupidity, I was still like, "mmm...better not..." for a while.

Swallow an apple seed in front of her so she believes you. Just try not to die right after :)

You're daughter is dumbed down by too much TV. My sisters told me the same with grapes, apples and watermelon. I always believed them for 30 minutes at most. I was also told I was adopted, never was inconsolable. You raised a spoiled brat.

Swallow a seed and show her you'll both be fine.