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By ifyouseekmylife - 25/10/2009 15:44 - United States

Today, my son told me he lost the envelope with all the money he earned selling Cub Scout popcorn. The popcorn was delivered already, and the money needs to be turned in to the pack leader tonight. I just spent $220 on popcorn my neighbors are eating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 598
You deserved it 5 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why haven't YOU been keeping up with the money FOR your Cub Scout-aged son?


and you believe your son? YDI for being so naive.

For a second, I thought this said "Cub Scout ****".

It's critically important that your son learn from this. I believe your son should have had to face the humiliation of telling his pack leader. He would have learned how important responsibility is. Even though it's hard to let your child get in so much trouble, if you bail him out like this, he will never learn from it. The worst case scenario would be if, as an adult, he still expects you to bail him out of his troubles. Even though you've already paid for the popcorn, do not let your son out of this without paying you back somehow. Someone mentioned that he could do chores for you as a way to make up for it, and that sounds like a very good idea.

WrittenWord 0

#52 is absolutely right. And all of you who are saying an eight-year-old shouldn't be entrusted with money--I started selling Girl Scout cookies when I was six years old and I never lost a penny. My brother was also a Cub Scout, and he never lost his popcorn money either. In all the years the two of us were in our respective Scouting programs, I only saw one child lose money from a Scout sale, and that was an eleven-year-old girl in my Junior troop who told our leader with a straight face that her father "took my mom's car and drove to California with it, and my cookie money was in the back seat" and promised to pay back the money she'd "lost". The leader--my mom--ended up paying the money due Nationals out of her own pocket, and the troop reimbursed her at the end of the year; the girl never did pay the money she owed. (Incidentally, she also stole a dress my mother had loaned one of the other girls in our troop for our fashion show.) It's nothing to do with the age of the child and everything to do with the child's sense of respect towards himself and others.

YDI. "Your neighbors are eating popcorn that you paid for." Umm, no, they're eating popcorn they already paid your son for. Don't act like they got something for free. And if you hadn't already delivered the popcorn, what would you have done, given it back to the group? You'd still have owed your neighbors their money back. Learn not to let your kid hang onto that much money in the future.

On the bright side, your son just made some lucky pedestrian very happy. And when it comes down to it, isn't that what Scouting is all about?

fretforyerlatte 0

YDi, but hey, maybe you'll get lucky and it was lost somewhere in the house. it could turn up someday.

kimbowee 0

YDI for sending your young son off with $220

ozymandias_fml 0

Wow... Maybe next time he will get off his ass and sell popcorn. $220 is chump change in popcorn money. Besides that, big deal? If it was a lot of money to you, maybe you should have been more careful with it.

he's lying and useing the money for dope..