By in love with an idiot - 20/11/2016 11:47 - Angola - Luanda

Today, my soon-to-be husband showed up with an animal print suit at our engagement ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 261
You deserved it 1 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheyCallMeDamien 17

And he didn't bring you a matching outfit? Y'all need to coordinate better.


cootiequeen4444 11

I'm not sure OP would want her fiance to be "catching more honies". Just throwing this out there.

Sounds like he's a fun dude! He should've brought you a matching outfit!

Juls464 10

If you don't marry him I will

it sucks if you don't like it. If it was my guy, I would love it

better than cheating on you the same day he asked to marry you.. better than being cheated on by him 4 different times.. waken up with him inside you.. all while you were pregnant or while you had your baby.. then always asking for 3 somes.. and never helping you.. just hurting you and you and up leaving while the kids 8 months then he starts this whole "I dedicated myself to you" bullshit

Why should he suppress his funky personality for it? Isn't this something that's meant to celebrate you both as a couple? Why does expressing himself in this harmless way make him an idiot?

LegitTorture 18

He's a keeper, alright! I bet life with him will never be dull.

Goblin182 26

engagement cerimony. Am I the only one that thinks this is just a bit pretentious?

Depends on your religion/culture. Sometimes, it's even required by law.