By PrettyScared - 29/07/2013 15:07 - United States - Matthews

Today, my step-brother said to me, "If we weren't related I would fuck you so hard." Mom says I should "be grateful for such a nice compliment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 625
You deserved it 6 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boundaries exist for a reason. You need to set both him and your mom straight.


rogwest 23

It's not like he's related by blood to you... He's a step-brother so there is no relation!

Thats ****** up. I think it's time for a family meeting

Well at least he's not your biological brother?

jman26 11

Technically you two AREN'T related...

monster216 7

Dysfunction Junction, what's Mom's function? Hooking up Johnny with Sally's preposterous.

sammyjanette 17

Men (and women) who say stuff like that are so pathetic. In most cases the girl wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. Though she might if they actual thought of members of the opposite sex as human beings instead of potential cum receptacles.

RedPillSucks 31

I'm willing to bet she would touch him with a 10 foot pole. And by touch, I mean repeatedly and with great force until he stopped looking at her as a sexual object. Alternatively, if Polish body builders came in 10foot sizes, I'm sure she would introduce him to one (maybe 2 five foot Polish body builders).

Your not even blood related.... If your mother and his father hadn't married... you guys could go at it.

at least you know your pretty! but that's kinda creepy.