By _TaToRtOt_ - 18/07/2011 13:08 - United States

Today, my step dad stole over $400 worth of savings from me. He spent it on alcohol, fireworks, and a very large sombrero. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 582
You deserved it 4 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side you can take the alcohol either drink it, or dump it on the sombrero, then take the fireworks and blow the sombrero to hell and back.


kseamon48 1

at least he spent it on useful things!!! lol

Gelski58 2

steal the alcohol, fireworks, sombrero, and steal more money

lightbulbman101 4

drop a firecracker in his shower and say this is what happens when you use my money to buy stupid things for youdelf with my money! then go steal his money when he gets paid.

Wait till he falls asleep, put the sombrero on his head, pour all the alchohol on him, throw the firecrackers at him and walk away. :D

IamNOTobligated 0

he should of bought tacos too...

alexxss_fml 10
ArsenalFan12 0

at least he spent it wisely