By Biologyfacepalm - 03/03/2014 19:58 - United States

Today, my students presented their projects on genetics to the rest of the class. One student told the class that salted and unsalted peanuts were an example of genetic variation. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 709
You deserved it 4 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As if people couldn't get any dumber...

Just wait until you hear about the giraffe necks!


Gasp! Then salted and unsalted pretzels must have the same mutation!

Precisely! It's a lot more probable that they both inherited this mutation from a common ancestor, than this being a case of homoplasy! Now we can establish a phylogenetic tree. Now, to find the last common ancestor...

29, am I the only one who's noticed that your comments are always great?

honestly... take her dumb ass two grades back

This would be a good time to take the student to the side and calmly explain her mistake. While that is a pretty horrific mistake, the student is there to learn. Be a teacher :)

It might actually be a good time to re-teach or go over the material again for all the students. Chances are that she's not the only one fuzzy about the topic.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

she going to have smart kids

Let's hope she doesn't reproduce at all.

Tell her that her stupidity is an example of genetic variation.

I wish that was an actual example :P , but then they're back at where they started - that stupidity is most likely acquired

I don't know. It seems stupid people breed more and beget more stupid people. Didn't you see "Idiocracy"?

Genetic variation? Like how bats gradually grew feathers and became birds because they weren't about that cave life, right?

homesuckfucker 28

This is a solvable problem. just pull her aside and explain what was wrong with her entire presentation. hopefully, she'll understand the subject with some extra help.