By Biologyfacepalm - 03/03/2014 19:58 - United States

Today, my students presented their projects on genetics to the rest of the class. One student told the class that salted and unsalted peanuts were an example of genetic variation. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 709
You deserved it 4 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As if people couldn't get any dumber...

Just wait until you hear about the giraffe necks!


The stupidity is strong with that girl.

My favorite genetic variation is chocolate-covered peanuts.

Coeliacchic93 21

I love the caramelised peanuts :-D

Whoa and she even had to do research. I think she needs some help.

Will, are you sure it was one of your students? Cause that was pretty dumb.

liquidpwnage 15

That isn't any ordinary stupidity.

Did you give her an "F" for "******* idiot"?

Thats not a fyl thing.... Thats a ftsl thing (f that student's life)

Girls and science, despite governments efforts, it doesn't work really.

I made an fml account just to reply to this idiocy, 124. I am a woman studying chemical engineering, conducting research in nanotechnology. If you were joking, it was in terrible taste, since it's difficult enough for a woman to make her mark in STEM without haters like you tearing us down.