By hatboxghost - 09/07/2009 05:17 - United States

Today, my suburban, white boyfriend of two years told me he wanted to tell me something serious. He sat me down, looked me in the eye and said "I want to be gangster." I started laughing thinking he was joking. He was 100% serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 954
You deserved it 7 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I wanna roll with, The gangstas, But oh, no, they all think I'm too white and nerdy"

infinityrhyme 0

Maybe he's thinking you'll support him and buy some bling too.


but the post isn't racist, so it shouldn't be deleted...the comments are. And there are plenty of gay gangsters, even ones that are African American, ever heard of being on the DL?

drop him... quick. then find a smarter boytoy.

jumpman3000 0

just a little info here...tupac was never actually part of a gang

No, FHL. You're not obligated to put up with that shit, dude. :D

misterman2 3

Aren't most "gangsters" homophobic? Oh and, sexinmybed, you are soooo stupid, lol.

metro_mello 0

no o.O i know quite a few "gangsters" in my school considering i live in tacoma and they are okay with gay people as long as they dont try any moves on them :)

caroliya 0

had he just seen public enemies?

I wish just once there could be apost that properly explained in full detail why it is wrong or otherwise offensive for a person to be gay. Just once.

zee209 0

Sadly, some people are just homophobic. The only reason I've ever heard of 'why it's wrong to be gay' is people saying things about God. It's a sad world we live in :(

definately not. you're a freak for thinking something like that. so you're telling me that u wanna have anal sex with another male? you're an idiot. normal people (not being gay of course) would stay striaght and never think of something disgusting like that. thats why there is a penis and a ******! THEY ARE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER! HELLO!!!!!!!!!

I can connect two random body parts, too! That's why there's the gall bladder and the toenail. HELLO THEY WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER

Well spoken. God, these homphobes are annoying. ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL. Straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual. I support them all. It's nice to see someone agrees.

Ha ha the white Gangstalicious. Do the homie, do the homie.......err I mean homies over hos...yea

zee209 0

Oh jeez -_- seriously? What's wrong with people? Sorry to hear that, FYL indeed. I would laugh too, though, if my BF told me that!

zee209 0

That's a huge stereotype...