By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 626
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


xaesthetics_ 0

that animal died to be eaten.. so it was just a waste of a life taken if he just tossed it away like it was nothing.. it would be more respectful to have eaten the meat than just throwing it away

boatkicker 4

I believe the "destroying our oxygen supply" was a joke. :)

ifuckingrock 0

Ummmm...I'm a vegetarian who gets very drunk and I've never agreed to eat meat while drunk. Unless your plan is to roofie him, it's not going to happen.

zander09 0

Sneak animal products into his food. Take pictures...for like a month. Show him after. Also, tell your sister what he did.

Ai71408 0

Wow. I'm a vegetarian and this angers me. If the animal is dead, meat eaters should EAT it because if it just gets thrown away it was killed for NOTHING!!

I think you need to teach your housemate the real meaning of murder.

joemerchant2006 0

Your housemate is clinically insane.

embarrassedsis 0

FYL cause your housemate is a close-minded douchebag, but YDI kinda for not labeling/telling them.

ravar5 0

im a vegetarian and i have no problem with other people eating meat, all people who force their ideals no matter how good are not doing a good action what that person did was just wrong, sorry about what happened