By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 626
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


I've been a vegetarian for 16 years... bc it doesn't agree with my digestive system... the animals are dead already... someone's going to eat it... just not me. I have lived with plenty of carnivores over the years and as long as my food didn't get contaminated or someone tried to spike my food with meat... I was fine. FYL for having to tell the bride what happened. Make the roomie pay you back for all the destroyed meat... and remind him of all the waste that HE created. FHL

Crunchy08 0

I wouldve kicked his ass...then made him pay me back plus pain and suffering.

That's complete and total bullshit. Your housemate should have respected your stuff. I'm not Christian but I've had Christian roommates and I don't flip a shit when they hang the crosses all over the place in our common areas like the kitchen and living room. seems that some of these vegans and vegetarians, who more often than not are part of the "be open minded" movement, will rip you to shreds verbally and treat you and your stuff like shit if you don't agree with them. Pisses me off...hypocritical jackasses... Make your housemate pay for all the wasted meat. And make sure he/she knows how those animals have now died in vain because their meat is now just rotting in a garbage can instead of providing the nutrients and tasty pleasure it was meant to provide on your sister's wedding day. The animals are already dead...why make their deaths in vain by refusing to eat them? Oh and another thing...I've heard about some studies (don't know if they're real or factual) that suggest that plants might feel pain as well as moving animals. If that's you vegans and vegetarians?!?! Don't you care about the plants?! =D Personally, it's all about the food chain. Humans are naturally deal. I will eat my still nearly bloody steak AND fresh crisp salad and I will like it! Oh how I will love it. P.S. PETA is nothing but a bunch of hypocritical nutjobs. If you're really against animal cruelty, support the ASPCA. They don't just deal with dogs and cats.

1. Make him pay you back for what he destroyed. Take him to court if you have to. 2. Inform him that BECAUSE of the actions he took, your family will have to buy more meat, meaning another cow or two is going to die because of what he did. 3. If possible, have the live cow butchered in front of him. Make him watch the whole thing, and then make sure the wedding guests enjoy the steak.

#97: Yeah, I've read a similar study. Supposedly, you can hook up an EKG to a plant and get a "pulse" (I have no clue what the hell it is). When you yell at and threaten it and push it around, it goes up. When you talk calmly to it and stroke it, it goes down. I have no idea why that is, but it's an interesting thought. At least the animals can run! Poor lettuce is stuck in the ground!

lol that's an awesome idea. sneak little bits of meat into his food without him noticing and then abuse the crap out of him for "animal murder" hahaha. if he's gonna be a c*nt, fairly, you deserve pay back. ESPECIALLY if he isn't going to do anything about replacing what he so ignorantly and disrespectfully destroyed.

Haha, wow, that IS interesting! I always thought technically plants could feel anyway, after all several species respond to being touched, and I'm pretty sure all plants respond to most of the same stimuli that we, animals, do. I didn't know about them maybe having /mental feelings/ though.

veganphotog 0

You should demand that he replaces it and if he doesn't you should bead the shit out of him. even a vego should be able to realise that many steaks are probably expensive and for a function. and vegetarians who try to force it on others are ***** anyway

#1, you rock. Also you can NOT murder an animal. It's impossible. You can't change the word you asshats. Soldiers do not murder other soliders in war. The state does not murder the child killer rapist it is executing. I am not murdering this cup of coffee. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with intent. Murder is killing but killing is not always murder. Tell your retarded veg friends how stupid that slogan is.

obviously the butt spew who threw away good food is seriously stupid and does not realize that s/he is responsible for the deaths of even more animals. since more meat must be purchased in order to replace the meat for the wedding. does s/he expect the couple to serve their guests just salad? people like that are so ignorant. ughh. hate 'em!