By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 626
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


I'm prancing around in a Spiderman costume with Shakira at full volume.

dandymidori 0

Those kinds of extremists are buttheads! ):' Poor you--I hope your sister understands... And I hope your roommate PAYS money followed with a big helping of GTFO!

YDI for eating meat. That said I don't support forcing your opinion on anyone but as a vegetarian I'd be really digusted with all that meat sitting in a fridge that I eat from aswell.

mrdecay 3

Your roommates a complete and utter arse for not respecting YOUR beliefs. I personally think you should hide a bit of meat in all the foods your roommate eats.

dude. there's nothing wrong with eating meat! and plus if that vegetarian can't even stand looking at meat he should 1) get his OWN fridge 2) shut up and stop enforcing his lifestyle on others...PLUS he had no right to throw away something that wasnt his!

Ducati45, if it's that big a deal, wouldn't you room with only other vegetarians? Even if the roomie was a "new convert," it's ridiculous to expect the whole house to conform to your new life. Buy your own damn fridge. To OP, it could be worse-- you could have lost ribeye. Yum.

I'm sure, like ALL vegans, your room mate is a pasty, malnourished skeleton. You, being a proper omnivore, are most likely in good health. Punch him in the throat! People say "Violence doesn't solve anything." Punch them in the the throat too.

You should have him repay your sister for the food he through out, not to mention apologize directly to her. If he doesn't you should have him live somewhere else or move out yourself. Someone like that isn't going to stop being a pain.

why is this burried with negative feedback??? i don't see anything wrong with what he said. it's funny, if anything.

I guess not everyone shares your sense of humor.

It's all such a war jungle. It's all a win loss situation pretty much any preference. Vegan, Vegetarian, Meat Eater... Vegan's, I (personally) believe are silly. There's barely ANYTHING they can eat because they refuse to consume anything that comes from an animal. Why? What's wrong with milk? That's what cows were made for. Eggs, I can somewhat understand, if you're of the belief they were meant to be chicks or something... but the whole idea just seems to make no sense to me. Vegetarians are obviously better off, they still get nourishment... but still miss out on important nutrients. Not eating meat means low iron levels which pretty much puts everything up the putt. Immune system, muscle strength, etc. I'm not trying to say that meat eats are the healthiest out there. Too much meat is just as bad as none, heart attacks, high hormone levels, blah blah... You can't really win an argument about this sort of thing. There's positives and negatives in every belief. Not really sure why I decided to throw that out there, but there you go lol. Let the abuse begin, no doubt.

lovejamienicole 0

#135 - You need to at least do some more research on vegans before talking about it like you are studied in it. From personal experience (years) not once have I been deficient and I don't have a diet of only carrots and celery. You must really have a limited diet yourself if you can't think of many options vegans can eat. There are a ton, and if you really knew what you were talking about you would be able to list them. Second - cows' milk were made for us ? - err, try again. Cows' milk was made for, oh I don't know... calves? Gee! Could it be? Do your research on dairy products and its effect on the body, dairy is not made for humans. However, I do agree that most meats are fairly natural to humans, so I don't want the omnivores jumping on me calling me an ignorant veghead or whatever it is they say today. I have years of experience on both ends of the spectrum unlike a lot of you, I do and have my own unbiased research and experience, I do in fact know my shit.

I knew I'd get jumped on. Look, I'm only going by my one of my mate's from school's father who was vegan. When I was told I was given a list of things he'd eat which was pretty much nothing. Yet somehow he was still had a beer belly and was not a small man at all. You wanna get into an argument then fine I'm good by that. Dairy isn't good for us??? Then why are we always told a glass of milk promotes strong teeth and healthy bones??? Fair enough I might not of researched it very well, but I'm still entitled to an opinion. I'm aware that they take supplements they can take, but if they're so strict on what they put in their body, why would they take those if most of the supplements they're taking support what they miss out on by refusing to not eat what they do?

Erniesduck123 0

You're wrong. It's that simple. Most of the comments on this FML are wrong. I just choose yours to comment on. I have no idea why you feel you have the authority to comment on the nutritional aspects of a vegetarian or vegan diet. I'm majoring in dietetics and a vegan. Animal protein, dairy or eggs are not essential to our diet. Every amino acid that can be found in an animal product can be found grains and legumes. Minerals such as calcium are not exclusive to milk. The dairy industry tells you milk is good for you. There is a lot of politics, money, and missing information behind the story, and what the ads won't tell you is the negative effects of drinking milk. What grains fruits, vegetables, and legumes have is a lot of fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals to name a few of the benefits, and none of the saturated fatty acids and cholesterol found in animal products that is indicated as a major cause of such ailments as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. If you don't feel sympathy towards cows or chickens, becoming a vegan is still the best thing you can do for your health. Being a vegan does not mean I eat only salads, did you know Oreos and most of your breakfast cereals, to list a few, are vegan?


wow...Another of the very few people on here who actually makes some goddamn sense. I can't tell you how many times my friends vegan gf bitched at us for eating meat. we wouldn't even do that in front of her, because we knew it would make her really unhappy. but all the goddamn time she'd be spouting PETA slogans into our ears. Not to say that ALL veg's/vegans are like this, but so many of them force their diets on me like Tom Cruse forces scientology on everyone he encounters.

The same way all vegetarians arent peta supporters. I for one hate peta and everything they stand for, im also a vegetarian

megannicole_23 0

I completely disagree. I for one am vegetarian. I do not force my beliefs onto someone else. To be honest, it's the other way around. I have had tons of people forcing their beliefs down my throat, all in which eat meat. That is the only time I ever preach to them about vegetarianism. Man I hate when people get in my business. In my opinion, everyone saying they hate vegetarians are bias. You cannot say you hate ALL vegetarians just because you've only encountered a few. Also, I believe it shouldn't matter to everyone what you eat. It's not hurting you in any way.

I didn't no, but lets face it, the way it's becoming, what diet IS good for you? There's good in bad in all of it. I'm not putting people down for their beliefs and their eating habits, I'm not. I couldn't care less what you eat but when people try and force their habits down your throat just because you're different from them, they have no right, and it pisses you off. What this guy did was wrong. He has no right to preach his beliefs beyond what's called for. People who go to these extremes, to me almost seem fake. You have a diet because it's what you like, not to make a point.

ZeroCharisma 0

Well said. Any balanced diet will provide the nutrition a person needs, regardless of whether or not they eat meat. It cracks me up how most people, who have absolutely no concept of nutrition, like to lecture me about my diet and the fact that I am "severely lacking iron". I have had my iron level tested and it's excellent. So is my child's.

Dear Turbogirl, **** YOU! Learn a thing or two about vegans, form a half decent argument then come back and argue. Muscle strength and growth deteriorate? Odd then, that I've climbed Kilamanjaro and run two marathons in the past year... No animal products are essential for our diet. Calcium is a mineral, and can be taken as a supplement. Protein is found in pulses. In fact the only thing we're missing is all that cholestrol you get... have fun with that by the way... oh and saturated fat, enjoy that as well... Do your ******* homework, you gobshite *****. With love, Flying Vegan

The dumb part of this is that the guy will have to replace the meat with more meat, and more animals will die because of it.

#119 Indeed. The same assholes release animals bred for the fur into the wild making them starv a slow and painfull death. They're clearly not the brightest.