By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
It's not a phase, Mom!
By worried mama - 31/12/2023 14:00 - United States - Richmond
By merrymary - 07/01/2012 11:11 - United States
Go vegan
By Done - 24/11/2020 05:02 - Italy
By Weasel123 - 26/10/2012 07:58 - United States - Anadarko
The Stinking of Hill House
By laner - 26/07/2019 12:00
By ledon - 16/11/2011 04:15 - Canada
By anonymous - 08/10/2011 20:40 - United States
By stillsick - 02/03/2011 00:11 - Canada
Our house, is a very very very fine house
By Anonymous - 24/03/2021 17:00
By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States
Top comments
What an annoind nosy dumbass. Make him replace it all. I have nothing against vegans as long as they keep they food peculiarities to their own plate and freezer.
That is beyond ****** up. On top of dragging him through the mud over causing twice as many animals to die and getting every penny and then some out of his sorry ass, you should add bacon to EVERYTHING in the house from now on.
He gets to pay for the new meat or you take it outa his hide and or he pays all the household costs till it is paid off or he pays your sister back.
What a dumbshit. He better be gonna pay for it all and replace it. Kick him out after he has. I really hate people who are so obsessed in their own stupid beliefs they shove it down everyone else's throat to the point they do stupid shit just to prove a point. Nobody wants to have anything to do with them and then they have the cheek to wonder why.
Humans are the dominant species on Earth. Animals are here for our consumption. Take adVantage and take a bite you bitch.
That's your opinion. Did you know that, in the Garden of Eden, the 'perfect place', they ate plants and no meat? It wasn't until the world was corrupt and sinful and God gave us permission to eat meat- after the flood, when there was little else.
Did you know that that place isn't real? And that we evolved to eat meat because it was the best sustanance for us? I hope the OP gets every penny back from the prick.
Did you know that religion isn't fact?
that's not proven. you should be more respectful of other peoples beliefs. besides, for all you know it might be true. and for the record I'm a christian who believes in evolution
Make sure you tell your roommate that HE just killed several more cows since now you have to go and buy them all over again (since it's something that's needed). Oh the irony...
Extremists like this are responsible for the crazed image vegetarians get. It's sad, really. Just because something works for one person it doesn't for the other. My boyfriend loves chicken, for example, so I make it for him, which is fine as long as I can eat something else, and its not some supermarket chicken raised on who knows what. Also, what did he think he was accomplishing by that, it's not like he was bringing the animals back to life by throwing out their dead flesh. Maybe he's delusional or on some kind of drug and thought he was freeing them from the evil fridge. I'm sorry for you, and hope the wedding reception can still be saved.
Well, Meat is Murder, and It was wrong of him to throw it all away! That's just a waste! Those animals died for nothing. and F U to the idiots who say eating veggies is murder.
HOW CAN ANYBODY SAY THIS GUY DESERVED IT? Okay, even if he had bought it for HIMSELF, his housemate has no right whatsoever to throw away the food... it's a personal decision to go vegetarian, and it shouldn't be enforced on other people.

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.
I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T