By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
It's not a phase, Mom!
By worried mama - 31/12/2023 14:00 - United States - Richmond
By merrymary - 07/01/2012 11:11 - United States
Go vegan
By Done - 24/11/2020 05:02 - Italy
By Weasel123 - 26/10/2012 07:58 - United States - Anadarko
The Stinking of Hill House
By laner - 26/07/2019 12:00
By ledon - 16/11/2011 04:15 - Canada
By anonymous - 08/10/2011 20:40 - United States
By stillsick - 02/03/2011 00:11 - Canada
Our house, is a very very very fine house
By Anonymous - 24/03/2021 17:00
By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States
Top comments
If I were you, I'd simply grab his food away from him for the next year. Whenever he protests, just point out that a hamburger is made from 1 cow, and a piece of bread is made from hundreds of grains; you're looking out for those innocent grains.
Crazy vegetarians like your housemate make so many people to hate vegetarians. As if by throwing the meat away is going to resuscitate the animals where it came from. FYL!
woow that is so rude. Not to mention completely disrespectful. I agree with #27
******* pieces of shit vegetarians piss me off. they are the ******* worst for every animal you don't eat, I am going to eat three....meat is murder, tasty, tasty murder....
eat people, not animals :)
Crazy vegetarians make so many people to hate vegetarians. As if the dead animals were going to resuscitate just by throwing away the meat. FYL!
Have you ever scored above a 60 on an IQ test?
Haha. You're obviously pretty poser yourself, or you would know that it was originally a stage show- the Rocky Horror Show. Don't talk about shit you don't know, kiddo, or insult people because they actually /do/ know. BTW, even if they left out one word in the title... it doesn't make them a poser. It might just be a typo or slip. Stop trying to be badass. Fail.
#232 I get the impression that you find yourself better than #38 Don't try to be a smart-ass! and calling someone who's 2years older than you "kiddo" doesn't make you look smarter too btw... just saying
Can you please explain why we have the same kinds of teeth as, oh, I don't know, dogs, cats, lions AND ALL MEAT EATING ANIMALS IN GENERAL?
I don't know if you noticed, but this isn't the place for it. We're not interested in the details of your beliefs here.
Not interested? WTH are you talking about? -.-
#44 speak for yourself...
To whoever said they support PETA Peta is facing felony charges and their base plant is facing cries to be renamed as a slaughter house. I love how everyone now-a-days is all pro PETA and meat is murder, yet the very organization they support kills 95% of the animals they get. You wanna see something to rival the little piggies getting their throats slit on their way to my belly? How about puppies, dogs, cats and kittens killed, tossed into garbage bags and dumped at grocery store dumpsters? What's PETA doing with its 35 million dollars annually? Ohhhh just building a crematorium, since their walk in freezer can't hold any more corpses. Pigs and cows and chickens were BRED FOR FOOD, the dogs old people surrender because they're too sick to keep them WERE NOT BRED TO BE MURDERED For God's sake. KNOW what you're supporting before you go around changing your life for things you aren't even aware of. Check the site, raise the awareness AND STOP FUNDING THEM!
There are too many stupid people in this world and there is no way they'll actually check the facts. They'd rather just sit back, bitch and moan, and get nothing done while trying to jam their shitty "morals" down other people's throats.
Not only that, don't they stage most of those "abuse" videos they have? There was this one... this "fur is murder" thing supposedly showing people harvesting this animal's fur (I haven't seen it in a long time, so I forget the animal). It was in an Asian language, either Chinese or Korean. Someone took the time to translate what the people were saying. Basically... "What are they doing?" "Why are they doing that?" "Why are they filming this?" "What's going on?" "Don't they know they can't do that?" "They're foreigners..." things along those lines.
I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.
I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T