By davy0540 - 30/11/2014 06:09 - United States

Today, my wife and I drove two hours from our rural town to buy a new sofa. When we got home, it took us an hour to figure out there was no way to fit it through our door. We made the two hour drive back to return it, only to find the store was closed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 043
You deserved it 9 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A measuring tape would've gone a long way...

orbit 22

Or you could measure your doorway before buying a piece of furniture.


Why on Earth didn't you measure the door and the sofa, just to be sure that you'd get it inside? Especially if you knew you had a 4 hour round trip to make?

I know the feeling. Not in that exact detail, but close enough. Pass it off to a friend, that's what we did.

LostInTheZone11 29

YDI 1. Did not check store hours. and 2. Did check the dimensions of your house's door, or the couch to make sure.

I'm sure it could fit through the door. I moved two couches and really bulky horizontal dresser in through a standard size door. You just need to stand it up and angle it correctly

hope you find a way to make ot fit. o.o garage door?

I don't know many rural areas with garage doors

I also wonder if there's a way they can take it apart and put it back together depending on the kind of couch it is. Or maybe just the feet if there are any, or arm rests?

You are aware that you should measure a space before buying furniture right?

orbit 22

Or you could measure your doorway before buying a piece of furniture.

There was literally no other way to get it in? You don't have a sliding door?