By davy0540 - 30/11/2014 06:09 - United States

Today, my wife and I drove two hours from our rural town to buy a new sofa. When we got home, it took us an hour to figure out there was no way to fit it through our door. We made the two hour drive back to return it, only to find the store was closed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 043
You deserved it 9 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A measuring tape would've gone a long way...

orbit 22

Or you could measure your doorway before buying a piece of furniture.


@55 - Commenting the first thing I thought of when I saw "hindsight" is trying too hard? Dang, maybe people just have really simplistic thought processes.

YDI! I work in a furniture store and no we won't take your sofa back if it doesn't fit. (Provided we told you the size of the sofa) If you don't measure your doors then it's your fault.

Sorry if this is a dumb idea, but did you try bringing it in through the back door instead? Have you also tried using the height of a doorway as well as the width, sometimes if you tip it upwards and diagonally it helps, it's the only way we got our sofa down a skinny hallway and through a door right next to the stairs.

I thank y'all are gunna need a bigger door

A five dollar tape measurer would have solved that in a few seconds...

moshpit11 8

I hope they don't do refunds you deserve it

But did you try fitting it through a window?