By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, my wife caught me masturbating to porn. She screamed at me and asked why I would be masturbating when I had her to have sex with. So I asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 253
You deserved it 24 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

Does no one else think its sort of the wife's fault? You may try and disagree and say that the op is a bad person for watching ****, but he was just a guy that wasnt getting any from his gal.


JadeWalker 14

obviousely shes gonna say no if shes pissed off at you. ydi it pig. my bf doesnt ever ********** to ****. your pathetic.

beggarman 4

I reckon he does lol. Most guys do keeps us happy ya know also means were not begging for pleasure 24/7. Your boyfriend would have to be really boring if he never masturbated either that or you have sex everyday.

joncole 6

Thats bullshit, she has no reason to get that angry over you watching ****. Then again you cant expect her to put out whilst shes mad at you. The best you can do is apologize but let her know you will be doing that as long as she isnt fulfilling your needs.

you should try not to piss your wife off before asking her to have sex.

lizard399 0

"Hey I know I just made you feel bad, and you're upset or whatever but let's do it cause it'll fix my current situation." Yeeaahh.. Sounds wonderful.. Was he expecting you not to be mad anymore?

lizard399 0

He, you, him whatever.. I wrote it this to the wrong person

lizard399 0

All you men and boys calling his wife a stupid bitch. I can't wait for the day you walk in on your wives/girlfriends masturbating to ****, where the actors dick is twice as big as yours and **** was her first option. That's right, before you. I'm sure she will consider you, but you just won't be a good enough. I can see your below average dicks inverting with insecurity as I type this. And yes, they probably would prefer the actor's dick over yours.

waitnobodycares 6
joa76 3

Except most guys would just find it hot to see her getting herself off, so...

AshleyCole 0

She probably would **** you cuz she was pissed about you jerkin it

Sadly my wife has pulled the same crap as the OP.

Lmao u know what u do wait till she 's in the shower an come in there an rub one out on her