By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, my wife caught me masturbating to porn. She screamed at me and asked why I would be masturbating when I had her to have sex with. So I asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 253
You deserved it 24 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

Does no one else think its sort of the wife's fault? You may try and disagree and say that the op is a bad person for watching ****, but he was just a guy that wasnt getting any from his gal.


joa76 3

"Women see **** as degrading because rough sex isn't the majourity prefrance" Well, first of all, not all women see **** as degrading. Second, not all **** is rough sex. Third, LOTS of women enjoy and desire rough sex. Actually, (and I have no idea who does these studies) the number one female fantasy is to be dominated, which makes sense when you think about it, because don't all those trashy romance novels involve women being "ravished"? So if anything, rough sex IS the majority preference (correct spelling) for women, although you are right that women tend to be raised to think they should want it slow and gentle, in missionary, all the time (if at all, since somehow people still seem to miss the memo that women actually LIKE sex). If she's opposed to sex from a deeply moral, especially religious, perspective, that's something that should be discussed and that he should respect. If it's just something that makes her uncomfortable for reasons she can't explain, they need to discuss it and she needs to try and get over it (and establish boundaries for when and how she can feel okay with him doing it). However, if you're going to agree to a sexually monogamous relationship, you have an obligation to the other person to do your best to satisfy their sexual needs. It is entirely unfair to say "Sorry, I'm not in the mood, you can have sex next year, but you damn sure better not get yourself off in the meantime." If she isn't willing to have sex with him very often, she needs to either let him take care of his own needs or think about why she doesn't seem to want him anymore. If he is consistently putting **** before her, then yes, that's a problem, but otherwise I don't really see anything wrong with it. But she does, and that's something they need to work out.

I swear wives can be about the dumbest!!

lauralavenderbab 0

Well duh You should have asked her before Being sprung with nakedness isn't the best sight in the world

If the OP tried to get it on with his wife first, then failed, it won't be his fault. Of course, asking her to have sex with you after being caught red-handed (pun intended) immediately afterwards isn't really the best course of action here .. wait until she cools off at least.

asianpersuasian2 9

Then you should have responded with the fact that that is why you are watching ****. If she is not going to uh help you out you will just have to take care of it yourself.

I doubt she's always going to either want to or be there when he wants it...nothing wrong with punching the clown, man handling the meat saw, or hog tying the dolphin.

Ugh, I don't understand why some women don't let their spouse watch ****. I much prefer it when my boyfriend watches **** - it keeps him off my leg! And I doubt very much he'd say "no" later if I offered. That being said, don't ******* ask her for sex if she's mad at you about something that involves sex!

No romance there! A woman in a good humored romantic relationship wouldve jus helped lend a hand...or other parts ????