By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, my wife caught me masturbating to porn. She screamed at me and asked why I would be masturbating when I had her to have sex with. So I asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 254
You deserved it 24 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

Does no one else think its sort of the wife's fault? You may try and disagree and say that the op is a bad person for watching ****, but he was just a guy that wasnt getting any from his gal.


nyellow 6

You deserve it. You should of went to your wife first and not imply that she comes second choice to your ****. Or at least asked her to watch it with you BEFORE you decided to exclude her our of your sex life. You are a jackass.

Whether or not YDI kind of depends on the situation. Was she in the house (or did you know she'd be coming home soon) when you started? If so, YDI, because why would you not go to her first? If she refuses you then, you can go jack off to **** all you want. And of course she is not going to want to have sex with you if she's mad at you...That was kind of an insensitive question to ask in that situation. You should've just apologized, said that you didn't think she would want to (didn't you?), and said that from now on, you would come to her first. Then re-emphasize that she does come first and you are very attracted to her, etc.

imbatmanfir 15

Not saying you shouldn't necessarily be watching it if she won't have sex with you buuuuut I wouldn't want to right after I caught you doing that either.. Just sayin..

For me personally wanking to **** and having sex with my partner are two different needs and just having te one doesnt fullfill the other. Besides that masturbation is a way to have easy fun and sexual relif without having to deal with a partner. Many women will take it negatively if the partner wants just plain sex or a BJ without any other interaction with the woman.

Well yea......She was mad at you at that time.....of course she would've said no to sex when you asked......**** is not being loyal to your wife........shame on you.......

I can imagine the other side of it Today, I caught my husband masterbating to **** on his laptop. I asked him why he was watching **** when he could have sex with me to which he responded 'do you want to have sex' since I was mad at him I refused and he got all shitty with me. FML

Why in the world would she be in the mood to have sex after you JUST hurt her by watching ****?.................

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Maybe learn why asking her AFTER was a bad idea. If they are there maybe ask yourself why you didn't ask them