By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, my wife caught me masturbating to porn. She screamed at me and asked why I would be masturbating when I had her to have sex with. So I asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 250
You deserved it 24 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

Does no one else think its sort of the wife's fault? You may try and disagree and say that the op is a bad person for watching ****, but he was just a guy that wasnt getting any from his gal.


bizarre_ftw 21

"well there's your answer, now get out"

skyeyez9 24

She said no because she was mad at him. For all we know they may have sex regularly, but op was.caught looking at some freak fetish type of ****.

talorylynn 4

Of course she didn't want to have sex then! You were supposed to ask BEFORE.

DragonGirl1031 11

Dude, she just caught you masturbating to ****. Of course she's going to say no if she disapproves of it. Her statement is for future use. If she says no, then tell her that at least you're asking her than doing what you just did.

decidedlyvague 11

You shoulda just continued right then and there saying: "and lo behold the reason I **********! If we'd have sex more frequently, this wouldn't be a problem!" after she leaves you gotta make sure you hunt her down and finish on her.

next time dont offer sex offer her to help you finish or ask her if she wants to join you before hand

I've known several people who watch **** on occasion with no problem, and frankly I don't see a problem with it. However, I've known the other side of the coin too, where the husband gets so absorbed in jacking off all the time that the wife goes unfulfilled, even when the woman has a high libido and has been readily available from the get-go. Then it causes marital problems. Women have sexual needs too.

Times like those you take her by force

iMagzzzy 0

She better make one hell of a sandwich.