By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States

Today, my wife caught me masturbating to porn. She screamed at me and asked why I would be masturbating when I had her to have sex with. So I asked if she wanted to have sex, she said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 250
You deserved it 24 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

Does no one else think its sort of the wife's fault? You may try and disagree and say that the op is a bad person for watching ****, but he was just a guy that wasnt getting any from his gal.


franky114 7

A quick message to everyone. I think we all figured out that she said no because she was angry. So there's no need for each person to say it. If it been said there's no need to say it again unless the point is being argued about.

franky114 7

Tell her then dnt get mad when I ********** if u dnt wanna have sex tell her tht

JadeWalker 14

aren't you to young to even be talking bout sex? your 13 you honestly have no real say on how a married couple should work. asshole shud have gone to his wife first and not to some fake **** on a screen. she has every right to be pissed off.

ishtarfire1 0

My wife caught me 2 or three times and I got the same response so I keep watching ****.

DMStarsky 0

She might be screaming because she's pissed off that you' rather jerk it than **** her. And if she was that mad, obviously she isn't going to give in and **** you right after.

franky114 7

*cough cough* look at 121 *cough*

Op, you should always ask first and that includes asking if she wants to watch too. Even if she's busy with something else. If my partner's in the mood but I'm doing paperwork, he'll sit behind me and tease me until I'm done, or just give up. ;-) Second, females watch **** too, people! Get over it. Just because someone indulges in **** once in awhile, doesn't make them bad or mean that their relationship is a failure or even that their partner's not enough for them. From my own experience, I could go at it all day by myself, if I had the time, but I'm not fully satisfied unless I have my guy. And just because you watch **** does not mean that's what you think about when you're with your partner. For those of you that are using the "she's pissed, why would she have sex with you now?" angle; I agree but only because his insensitive gull. It's like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar who then asks if he can have one. "Ask and you shall receive." On the other hand, have any of you heard of "angry sex"? Teach him a lesson! Also, a word on "respecting the relationship." It's all about communication. For example, my partner and I cannot have sex at this point in our relationship due to me being a rather petite virgin (yes, I'm female if you haven't guessed) and he being more well endowed than average. I know he gets off on his own and on a few occasions I've told him to go get laid since I'm no help there. Why? Because we TALK. I'm comfortable in my relationship with him and don't feel threatened or pressured. As long as he's safe, everyone involved (me, him, the other female) knows it is purely physical and he only has an emotional bond with me, I dont see this as cheating or being unfaithful but fulfilling a natural need.

k8izgr8_fml 0

weird. who the hell is okay with their significant other ******* another woman?

knowitall 1

Lots of people. It's called an "open relationship". Google it. Then try "polyamorous" and "swingers" and your mind will be totally blown.

The__Redneck 7

This is when you say "OK" and turn the **** back on right in front of her.

sounds just like my ex. please tell me your wife isnt a busty, insane little redhead named kim. if so, run like hell:)