By Barrel - 05/02/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, my wife left me the following voicemail: “Alex, last night was amazing. You took me to places I’ve never been to before. I can’t wait to see you tonight after work.” My name is Rob. We haven’t had sex in two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 794
You deserved it 9 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

No sex in two years ... and you're still married, why?


Get rid of her and you waited two years? That's really a shitty situation for you.

2 years? What's wrong with you? Grow a spine, man. Tell that bitch to put out or get out.

If you're going to divorce her - which you should, in my unasked-for opinion, don't take any of the advice here to get "revenge".... you have evidence she's cheating on you and you're (presumably) clean, the judge will come down on your side. You're throwing all of that out the window if you do something petty with another woman first. Afterwards, feel free!

linzilady 0

You're married and you haven't had sex for 2 years?????? Seriously, how did you not think she would look elsewhere? Not saying she should have cheated though. If she wanted sex she could have, i don't know, ASKED??? But really, Rob. Your wife... 2 years... wtf...

Time to get those private pictures out and 'accidently' send them out anonymously. . .

Maybe Alex actually physically TOOK her somewhere she had never been before. I'm pretty sure my parents can go a year without sex (seriously, they talk about their lack of sex... it's gross.) Anyway, it might be a mix up - but you should probably sleep with someone else just in case.

FYL... possibly YDI too depending on whose idea it was to go two yeaars without doing it. No excuse for cheating, but if it was all your decision to go two years without sex it's a little more understandable. If the lack of sex was mutual, or worse her doing, then she's just a total bitch, instead of a mostly bitch.

Omg ya do what 14 said hahahah Although not having sex with her for that long.... It's no small wonder Or have you thought that she might have done that on purpose? To make you jealous etc?