By Barrel - 05/02/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, my wife left me the following voicemail: “Alex, last night was amazing. You took me to places I’ve never been to before. I can’t wait to see you tonight after work.” My name is Rob. We haven’t had sex in two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 794
You deserved it 9 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

No sex in two years ... and you're still married, why?


robotiick 12

sleep wit her sister best way lol


hahahah you are the reason I signed up for fml I hope you feel special

Rainbowface 2

Omg you deserved it i would've talked about divorced after six months of no sex.not two years that's pathetic

Make a fake voicemail of what a great night like she did ( maybe even her best friends name) and state that she is much better then your wife and if she gets mad play her the voicemail she left for alex

kiwi2715 0

That is to funny! My ex name is Rob and my current boyfriend is an Alex. Alex is much better, in every way possible, then Rob. Must be an Alex versus Rob thing.

ROFLMAO!!! Now ask if she's been cheating on u and if she says no then play the voicemail and be like, "Then who the **** is Alex?." :D