By Somerandomguy64 - 10/12/2013 18:04 - United States - Pleasantville
Same thing different taste
Irony level: High
By Anonymous - 15/07/2022 04:00
Modern bonding
By Anonymous - 01/06/2022 22:00
By Anonymous - 05/05/2012 02:27 - New Zealand - Palmerston North
Mind reader
By Anonymous - 03/10/2024 11:00
By Anonymous - 25/10/2010 16:24 - United States
By JJ - 03/10/2015 07:42 - United States - Irwin
Time to bail
By Anonymous - 18/09/2024 08:00 - United States - Denver
Shady dealings
By CaptBlood - 04/05/2021 14:01
Anger management
By Sure, Mom - 15/03/2024 06:00 - United States
They targeted gamers
By DSK - 09/01/2023 15:00
Top comments
Man. In feel bad for you.
Seems like your wife isn't interested in spending time with you. That's ridiculous. I whine at my husband when he plays games sometimes but that's only because I want him to pay attention to me. Most of the time I just watch him play or I read on the couch. I hate wives like this. Good gosh
The thing is though, do you spend time with her and occasionally help her around the house? Or, like my husband are you ALWAYS playing games and when asked to do something as simple as pick up your dirty socks, say "Hold on a sec." Then never get around to it? While a agree that the chart and rewards system is shallow and not really a good way to earn your spouses commitment to things you want them to do, maybe try offering your help around the house more often. Not to say that you don't help or that you are always on the games but maybe she's trying to say something you aren't listening to.
Very true. My partner works on contracts, where sometimes he might not have work for 1-4 weeks between contracts. Instead of helping me out during his downtime (I'm doing a PhD and teaching part-time, so I usually do 10-14 hour days), I still end up doing 90% of the housework, as he spends all day playing video games and watching TV series! If I ask him to run 2-3 small errands, he might do one of them, but 'didn't have time' to do the rest. I wouldn't use a chart though, it's pretty childish.
I'm going to risk getting thumbed down to hell here. It sounds to me like OP is paying too much time to his video games and not enough to his wife. I had this problem with Mrs. Bastard when we first started dating, and it almost broke us up. With all due respect, your wife is the person to whom you've supposedly devoted your life. She's more important than any video game. Put the video games away. Full stop. Now let the thumbs down from the gamers who are too cool and do whatever they want commence.
No where does OP say that.
If OP's wife had said OP earns gaming time for spending time with her, I would agree with you. However, he earns it by doing her favors or giving her money. So, doesn't seem like what OP's wife wants is more time with him.
Nyx you could be right, and I could be making a big assumption here.
The only reason I can think of for the wife asking for money is so she can get away from him. Shopping can be quite relaxing for some people, other times it can be use for revenge (husband messes up, wife spends his money).
Honestly it entirely depends on how much gaming OP does. We don't have the information to decide if the gaming is a problem or not. However, it's like 42 said. She wants money or favours in exchange and gets mad if she thinks he's cheating on her imposed time limits so at least to me, she sounds controlling as opposed to trying to kill an addiction.
Doc, I definitely see the point in what you're saying. She could just be bat-shit crazy but I kinda doubt that his wife would just put this system into place completely out of the blue. I'd say it's pretty likely that her husband gets a little carried away with his gaming. That being said, theres definitely a more mature way of handling this issue
I understand loving your wife and being devoted, but why should OP completely get rid of one of his hobbies? It's absolutely possible to balance video games with life, Doc. You dont need to choose one over the other.
i agree with doc. i don't condone trying to control the people you're in a relationship with however if an excessive amount of video games is affecting their relationship in a harmful way, the system may be an attempt to save their connection. as for her conditions, they do appear to be strange - but for all we know she chose money as something because he doesn't have much to spare thus making it harder for him to earn gaming time? anyways, all this is based on assumption since we only have a very small portion of one persons pov.
@ 29 Doc, I agree with you about the devotion. But at the same time, if one side is going to commit that much, then the other has to too. Marriage is, after all, about equality and devotion of both parties... Not just one. All that said; wanting to have money thrown at you doesn't seem like a very time or devotion centered thing... Just a more controlling thing. But enough people have pointed that out already.
It sounds like you spend a ridiculous amount of time gaming, or you got a overly controlling wife. But then again I guess both of you knew what you got yourselves into when deciding to marry. I'd say not to let her control you, but if you play too much to be able to contribute to your home or your family I can't blame her for getting frustrated. Perhaps get her to join you or find a hobby you can do together once in a while. I know very well how exciting and fun the virtual world can be, but don't forget your loved ones :)
I'd trade her in on a newer model.
Just because you have a wife doesn't mean she gets to control what you do in your free time. If you have some time to play videogames, then play your games! You're an adult! What are you, eight years old? If you're spending way to much time on the xbox and ignoring her I'd understand why she'd want to limit your gaming, but you ARE an adult and you should work things out together instead of having her treat you like a big baby.
You are 28 years old. You can do what you want. Tell her her rewards are stupid.
What's with all these bitchy wives lately? Take control of your own lives, husbands.
Did she also make a sex rewards chart?
**** her, she doesn't own you. Do what you want.